Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
A7 Newsl
The Palestinian Authority, which agreed under the Oslo Accords to halt anti-Israeli incitement, has escalated inciting rhetoric as Arab riots subsided Wednesday morning. In the United States, Jewish groups have complained about the Obama administration’s condemnation of Israel's building for Jews in Jerusalem while the U.S. does not tackle the issue of incitement.. The Israeli Foreign Ministry issued a harsh statement Tuesday condemning “with disgust the recent contemptuous, anti-Semitic remarks of senior Hamas officials, aimed at inflaming emotions in the region.” The statement charged that Hamas, in addition to being a group of terrorists, also is "an active anti-Semitic organization whose foundation documents refer to Jews as animals and advocate the murder of Jews.”
Mahmoud al-Zahar, a senior Hamas leader, accused Israel of making “a deal with the devil” by restoring the Hurva synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City in Jerusalem, where Jordanian troops destroyed it in after they overcame the Israeli forces there in1948. “You've killed and murdered your prophets and you have always dealt in loan-sharking and destruction," he said at a Gaza conference.
The Palestinian Authority, headed by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, used PA television to return to an old blood libel that Israel helped an alleged Jew to try to burn down the Al-Aksa mosque on the Temple Mount in 1969.
The attack was perpetrated by an Australian Christian, Dennis Michael Rohan, who described himself as the "Lord's emissary." However, PA television told viewers, “On Aug. 21, 1969, the Jew Dennis Michael [sic] set fire to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, with the support of the Jewish government, which cut off the water supply from the neighborhoods close to the Al-Aqsa Mosque with a view to delaying the operations to extinguish [the fire]." The statement was translated by Palestinian Media Watch.
Several American Jewish groups have criticized the Obama administration for ignoring the incitement while harshly criticizing Israel for advancing plans to build more apartments in Ramat Shlomo, a totally Jewish neighborhood located across the road from the Har Hotzvim industrial park, home of Teva Pharmaceuticals, Intel and dozens of high-tech firms.
National Council of Young Israel, the Orthodox Union and the Zionist Organization of America, among other groups, have denounced the PA’s holding a ceremony recently honoring Dalal Mughrabi, the female terrorist who murdered 37 Israelis in the Coastal Road massacre in 1978.
“This monstrous spectacle took place while Vice President Biden was visiting the region,” stated David Harris, executive director of the American Jewish Committee. “Unfortunately, we have not heard a single word of condemnation from the U.S. administration.
Even the left-wing J Street lobby condemned the praise of Mughrabi.
The Jewish groups complained that while ignoring the ceremony, which was toned down because of Biden’s presence in the region, the Obama administration focused solely on attacking Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for the Ramat Shlomo project. However, the new housing is expected to be delayed for at least two years anyway due to bureaucracy.
Despite the publicity on Ramat Shlomo (pictured), Israel is in the process of building hundreds of other units in others Jerusalem neighborhoods, such as French Hill and Ramot, which the U.S. State Department also does not recognize as being under Israeli sovereignty and which border Ramat Shlomo..
On the other hand, in the Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act of 1995 the U.S. Congress specifically referred to a “united Jerusalem” that include all of the areas of the city that were restored to the Jewish State in the 1967 Six-Day War. Ramat Shlomo is one of those areas.
Comment: The International Community will let us in Israel know when it is finally ready to support peace-as it is now, their rhetoric is consistent with their ineffective actions due to an inability or actual intention to let the matter fester here in the ME. When incitement otherwise known as instruction to kill another people, to discredit their capacity to exist as a free people is not stomped out, there is no possibility of peace. The world knows exactly what it is doing-so do we!
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