Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Shame On You American Jewish Voters!

Nurit Greenger

March 16, 2010

To many Americans who knew reality from hype, the day Obama moved into the White House was not a happy day. Unfortunately, 85% of American Jews saw him in the same light many Germans saw Hitler.

President Obama and his team are hostile to Israel. His policy towards Israel has emboldened the Arab world in general and the Arabstinians in particular.Joe Biden's recent visit to Israel has made a remarkable mark in present history. He caused an acute political tidal wave.

Now the Arabstinians are rioting, partially due to the fact that the US officially detests Israel builds apartments in Jerusalem. The faceless Arab mob is running amok in the streets of Jerusalem, creating havoc, not knowing exactly why they are rioting but that it is good to stone Israelis and create chaos in the Jewish State.

The way the Obama administration is treating Israel one would think that Israel is Iran, which is funding world terror as well as it is funding the US enemy so they can kill US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Iran gets special treatment while Israel is treated like a rogue state.

The United States enemies are laughing at and mocking the Obama administration and the US allies are shaking with fear.

This administration keeps on propagating that if only Israel makes concessions, if it only becomes half the size of Rhode Island, the entire world will become one great peace movement; but it is this tiny Israel that bothers no one is in the way for peaceful world.

The US does not care how many apartments were built in Saudi Arabs, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Venezuela or New Jersey but 1600 units that Israel will build in Jerusalem and will serve as homes for Jews stand in the way of having peace with Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran Hamas Hezbollah and the PLO.

On his last week visit to Israel, US VP Joe Biden, who is not the smartest man in Washington, did not represent the US with the proper official etiquette. For one, Biden snubbed Netanyahu as he arrived 90 minutes late for State dinner. It is for sure Biden would have not disrespected a State Dinner with Hugo Rafael Chávez of Venezuel, Fidel Castro of Cuba or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran but the Premier of the Jewish State can be disrespected and insulted. Bibi's stance can be humiliated.

Obama surrounded himself with Jew haters and anti-Israel.

Have the American people lost their mind voting for a president who disobeys and disregards the United States revered constitution?

Have the American Jews lost their mind to have voted for Hussein Obama? A man who will destroy Israel to appease his Moslem brethrens. I am certain many will vote for him again. And they state they love the Jewish State of Israel?!

Shame on all of you pro-Obama Jews! Shame on America to have made such a political blunder voting for him!.

I detest this Administration and you should detest it too.

We Must Snatch Victory From the Jaws of Defeat.

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