Monday, March 22, 2010

Stupak the Snookered Stooge Can’t See the Dark Forest Into Which He’s Leading America

David Swindle

Rep. Bart Stupak cannot see the forest for the trees.

The principled* pro-life Democrat recently announced his surrender to Obamacare. He will vote for the bill because of a promised executive order to prevent funding for abortion.

My friend Paul Cooper has pointed out that President Obama’s executive order could easily be rescinded. That’s only part of the story, though.What Stupak does not seem to be able to comprehend is this: if you want to prevent the federal government from paying for abortions then you MUST be opposed to anything that will lead to a single-payer healthcare system. And that’s all this bill really is. That’s all it’s ever been: Obama’s pragmatic, brilliant move to eventually get America into a single-payer system. This is just the Democrats’ first steps toward implementing a system in which the federal government pays for everyone’s health care (and radically raises our taxes, restricts our freedom, and eventually bankrupts our nation.)

That’s what 60% of Democrat voters and a comparable number of Democrat politicians actually want and are now much, much closer to achieving in our lifetime. When the federal government is not just paying for SOME abortions but for ALL abortions then each of those dead fetuses can be laid at Stupak’s feet. He will be responsible. (And as many NRB readers might know I’m not a pro-life culture warrior in any fashion but I still don’t want the federal government paying for abortions.)

The man’s been snookered. And such is the common fate of all who are cowardly enough to try and carve out a political home in that nebulous zone known as “the political Center.”

*UPDATE: David Forsmark sets me straight on Stupak In the Trenches. My post is revised accordingly.

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