Monday, July 12, 2010

Hizballah plotting on U.S./Mexico border

Jihad Watch

Hizballah's founder Hassan Nasrallah has said, "If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." Looks as if he is going hunting.

"Close to home: Hezbollah terrorists are plotting right on the U.S. border," a New York Daily News Editorial, July 11 (thanks to Rosanne): Speaking of the Islamist enemy cropping up in unlikely places, Iran's favorite terrorist outfit, Hezbollah - a menace to Israel and Lebanon - has been caught plotting right in our backyard.

For years, experts who already have their hands full with the persistent threat of Al Qaeda have warned of the rise of Hezbollah in our midst.

The day has arrived.

Mexican authorities have rolled up a Hezbollah network being built in Tijuana, right across the border from Texas and closer to American homes than the terrorist hideouts in the Bekaa Valley are to Israel.

Its goal, according to a Kuwaiti newspaper that reported on the investigation: to strike targets in Israel and the West.

Over the years, Hezbollah - rich with Iranian oil money and narcocash - has generated revenue by cozying up with Mexican cartels to smuggle drugs and people into the U.S.

In this, it has shadowed the terrorist-sponsoring regime in Tehran, which has been forging close ties with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who in turn supports the narcoterrorist organization FARC, which wreaks all kinds of havoc throughout the region.

In March, Adm. James Stavridis, then head of the U.S. Southern Command, which includes Latin America, warned a Senate committee hearing: "We see Hezbollah acting throughout the region in proselytizing, fund-raising, involved in the drug trade."

Now they are right across the Rio Grande - a stone's throw.

But we doubt they're interested in stones.

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