Friday, September 03, 2010

As Abbas meets with Netanyahu - PLO Ambassador to Teheran says hopes to see complete eradication of Israel

Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Salah Zawawi is the official ambassador of the
PLO to Teheran

"With reliance upon Grace of Almighty God and through solidarity of world
Muslims, we hope to witness complete eradication of the fabricated regime in
due course," Zawawi said.

Zawawi: Relentless struggle will continue to liberate Holy Qods

Tehran, Sept 2, IRNA(Iran news agency) -- Palestine's Ambassador to Tehran
Salah Zawawi said on Thursday that relentless struggle with the Zionist
occupiers will continue until liberation of Holy Qods. Speaking to IRNA, he said Qods international day was initiated by the late
Imam Khomeini.

Late Imam Khomeini put the issue of Palestine on the agenda of Islamic Ummah
which this left an undeniable impact on the resistance of Palestinian nation
to occupation, he said.

'Late Imam Khomeini expelled the representatives of the Zionist regime from
Iran, cut export of oil to the (then) apartheid regime of South Africa and
established the first-ever Palestine Embassy on ruins of Israeli embassy in

The ambassador said that the Zionist regime will be annihilated if it fails
to win support of big powers.

He said that the Zionist regime was established by western powers to harm
unity of the Arab nations and the world Muslims to help materialize their
sinister goals.

'As our struggles with the Zionists will get tougher in the future, we hope
more support from the Islamic Ummah,' he said.

On Iran's peaceful nuclear activities, he said the Western countries have
toughen sanctions against Iran but have ignored the Zionist regime which
possesses over 200 warheads and advanced military apparatus such as F-35.

"With reliance upon Grace of Almighty God and through solidarity of world
Muslims, we hope to witness complete eradication of the fabricated regime in
due course," Zawawi said.

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