Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Barack Obama’s Dream is Our Nightmare

by Karin McQuillan

Is Obama in his own dream world or is he doing this on purpose? In the wake of Obama’s call for another fifty billion in government spending last week, Investor’s Business Daily asks, “Is this just a campaign ploy or is the White House ruining our economy on purpose?” Hannity asserted in July that Obama “is bankrupting the country, he is the most incompetent president to ever hold that office.” Dick Morris writes: “Conservatives are so enraged at Obama’s socialism and radicalism that they are increasingly surprised to learn that he is incompetent as well…the truth begins to dawn on all of us: Obama has no more idea how to work his way out of the economic mess into which his policies have plunged us than he does about how to clean up the oil spill.”I agree with David Horowitz. Obama is doing it on purpose.

Obama’s American Dream is a nightmare vision for 70% of Americans, but the president genuinely believes his dream will make the world a better place. He thinks capitalism is a bad system that allows the rich to exploit the poor, and that in damaging capitalism and replacing it with big government, the country will prosper (except for the rich, who don’t deserve their wealth anyway). He thought our economy would rebound magnificently under this treatment, with the rich paying and poor raking it in. In short, he believes in a leftist Santa Claus.

Obama can’t learn from his mistakes. To admit failure at this point would be to call his entire life’s ideology into question, to throw not just Reverend Wright under the bus, but everyone who ever loved Obama – his radical mother and his leftist grandfather, Frank Marshall , his beloved black communist father figure in Hawaii, Bill Ayers, who launched Obama’s political career and wrote Obama’s autobiographies. It would even mean losing his dream of his communist biological father who abandoned him.

To turn from dreams to reality would cut the President off from the leftist sycophants around him, and the radical czars he’s installed in the White House. It wouldn’t earn Michelle’s respect either, who Sean Hannity reminds us, urges people not to be so selfish as to go into business.

We left corporate America, which is a lot of what we’re asking young people to do. Don’t go into corporate America. You know, become teachers. Work for the community. Be social workers. Be a nurse. Those are the careers that we need, and we’re encouraging our young people to do that. …make that choice, as we did, to move out of the money-making industry into the helping industry…

None of his crowd understand that is it business which creates jobs, makes a good life for Americans, allows ordinary people to realize their dreams for themselves and their children. Michelle and Obama believe it will help America for them to help themselves to our money. To learn from his mistakes would rock BHO’s world. That is why he will never do a Bill Clinton, listen to his polls, learn from his disasters, and move to the center.

Obama would prefer to dream on. Let’s hope November will start to end the nightmare for the rest of us.

1 comment:

Mark @ Israel said...

It's sure going to be a nightmare when businesses go bankrupt and employees lose their jobs. What in the world is Obama thinking when he continues to allow government spending? I just hope some sense will get to him before it's too late for this country.