Mesbah Yazdi’s definition of Islam meets the objective definition of evil (adharma to Hindus)
by Bill Levinson
Democracy and Human Rights Have No Place in Islamic Theology states that Mesbah Yazdi from Ayatollah Khamenei’s Office proclaimed that “Democracy, freedom, and human rights have no place” in Islamic theology.
Natural Law, the foundation of all genuine religions, says that human beings have natural rights; the Declaration of Independence says these rights come directly from God. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
Yet Mesbah Yazdi says these human rights have no place in Islamic theology, thus making his depraved version of Islam a hostis humani generis (enemy of all humanity) and in fact an enemy of God–a festering cancer that must be eradicated from the face of the earth for the sake of all Humanity.
Natural Law allows an objective definition of Evil: anything that goes against Natural Law such as murder (violating somebody’s right to life), theft (taking a portion of somebody’s life in the form of something he or she has worked to obtain), and slavery (violating somebody’s right to liberty). Laws as old as the Ten Commandments, which forbid stealing and murder, are codifications of Natural Law. Hindus use the explicit term adharma (against Dharma or against the Right Way) to define Evil.
Evil is not merely sin (a personal failing that often does not affect other people) or immorality. As an example, somebody who looks at adult pornography might be committing a sin or an act of immorality, and certainly falls short of the Japanese ideal of continual self-improvement. He does not, however, infringe on the natural rights of other people by doing so. Evil is a deliberate and willful violation of the natural rights of other people; it is a crime against Civilization and, if one looks at it from a theological perspective, an act of war against God. Mesbah Yazdi’s statement that human rights have no place in whatever depraved ideology he calls Islam is a declaration of war on the very God he claims to represent.
The cited article adds,
Earlier, Mesbah Yazdi openly supported Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, even elevating him to God’s level, saying, “When the president received the supreme leader’s confirmation, obeying him is like obeying God.”
Our Christian readers will easily identify Mesbah Yazdi as the False Prophet who serves as the enabler of the Antichrist, a role that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad fills quite well. One does not have to be a Christian or take the Book of Revelation literally to understand this. Human societies have throughout history separated spiritual and temporal roles, e.g. by appointing a tribal shaman or medicine man and a chief. Each role serves as a check and balance on the other, much like the separation of powers in the U.S. Government.
When the chief usurps the role of the shaman by claiming to speak for God, and the shaman enables him by proclaiming that he does in fact speak for God, the result is an extremely dangerous situation in which nobody’s life, property, or other rights are safe either inside or outside the tribe in question. Examples include the original Mahdi who claimed to speak for Mohammed, and the result involved decades of war in which the Mahdists slaughtered innocent people at Khartoum and were finally mowed down by automatic weapons at Omdurman. The story of the Antichrist need not be taken literally but it has already been acted out several times in history, and Iran could well serve as the next example.
It is therefore reasonable to conclude that Mesbah Yadzi has declared war on Civilization, and in fact on God Himself, under color of Islam. Genuine Muslims need to stand up and say in one voice, “Not in my name.”
Comment: And you want more evidence or are you beginning to understand?
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