Sunday, June 05, 2011

News update from Syrian border

GS Don Morris, Ph.D.

Alert: This is an emerging story-make no judgments until the entire story comes out. The so-called "sniper fire" is anything but. "Protestors" on the Syrian side have approached the fence bordering on Israel up in the golan. In arabic, they have been warned should they touch the fence they will be fired upon-our IDF soldiers have fired in the air warning shots, stated over and over in Arabic to the crowd what the ground rules are. From J. Stone "Demonstrators approaching the fence are being warned in Arabic that if they touch the fence they'll be shot. If they continue, the soldiers are firing in the air. If they still continue, they are being shot in the legs. The soldiers doing the shooting are 'Tsalafim' - i.e. sharpshooters trained to fire very exactly; not 'snipers'."

Another onsite report from a group member, J. Stone"Only the ones touching the fence are being shot in the legs if they ignore the warnings. There are only a few dozen down by the fence - most of the 4-500 demonstrators (bussed in from the Yarmouk refugee camp near Damascus which is under the control of the Syrian security forces) are up on the hill. "

This is clearly a staged event support by Syrian military-it is an attack upon Israel proper, unto itself illegal activity. Hold your local media accountable-there are not snipers shooting "peaceful protestors", a few are armed-they have been told multiple times what not to do and they know the consequences of breaking the law-they are engaging in criminal behavior-hold your media accountable to the facts rather than the Arab media spin-of course it is to their PR attack to claim we use snipers, a volatile word choice to begin with.

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