Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A mistake of epic proportions

David Keyes

The Israeli government has voted to release more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners -- one-third of whom are serving life sentences -- for the return of a single captive Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit. A more disastrous and despicable exchange could hardly be imagined.

Those who voted for this abominable and cowardly deal should be forced to be the pall-bearers at the funerals of all those who will be murdered at the hands of the released terrorists. Hundreds of civilians have been killed by terrorists released from Israeli prisons. In 2003, Ramez Sali Abu Salim was released and months later blew up a cafe killing seven civilians. Louei Raad Barghouti, also freed in 2003, planned that attack. In 2004, Matsab Hashalmon was released and promptly helped blow up a bus, killing 16 people. After Iyad Sawalha was freed, he organized two attacks which killed 31 people and injured hundreds more. In 2004, 405 Palestinians were released in a prisoner exchange and they went on to kill no fewer than 35 Israelis.

Must I really go on?

Freeing more than 1,000 terrorists for one soldier does not prove how much Israel values life; it proves how cowed the country is and how skewed its moral compass is. A thousand of the region’s most dangerous and deadly fighters are about to be let loose to terrorize again. Those who refuse to recognize that many more people will die because of this exchange are either delusional or criminally ignorant. It contradicts two decades of incontrovertible proof.

Israel is soon to abet the murder of dozens, if not hundreds, of its own civilians to bring one soldier home. Shalit’s return is imperative, and no one can imagine the pain of the Shalit family. But this exchange is a mistake of epic proportions. Only the three ministers who voted against the deal -- Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Strategic Affairs Minister and former IDF chief Moshe Ya’alon, and National Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau -- can hold their heads high, knowing they are protecting Israel’s honor and security.

David Keyes is the executive director of Advancing Human Rights and co-founder of He can be reached at

1 comment:

Hans said...

Well stated, Mr Keyes, those are my exact feelings..

Just wait, this will happen again in the near future, as the Islamicstines will makes sure to capture the next exchange soldier..

The state of Isreal, will pay a dear, dear price..