Monday, December 05, 2011

Projecting Schadenfreude and Cultural AIDS: Norway tries to deal with a wave of Muslims raping Norwegian Infidels

Richard Landes

It’s sometimes hard to believe that people can be so petty and self-destructive, but every once in a while an incident occurs that sheds remarkable light on the venal realities of Scandinavian anti-Zionism. There has been a wave of rapes in Norway, almost entirely done by immigrant Muslim men against Norwegian women. For politically correct reasons, the issue was kept off the front pages for a while, but eventually came out. When it did, somehow Israel got involved. How? Read below and weep. Few things illustrate the pitiful honor-shame preoccupations of the Norwegians when it comes to moral preening, and the way that that folly renders the Norwegians vulnerable to assault. From Tundra Tabloids: Muslim ‘Rape Wave’ Reported in Oslo, Ministers Blame Israel
Report: 45 of 48 rapes in Norway’s capital recently were by Muslims, but Norwegian ministers think this is just pro-Israel propaganda.
By Gil Ronen

First Publish: 12/4/2011, 6:58 PM

INN: Norway is suffering from an unprecedented wave of rapes that are largely being perpetrated by Muslim immigrants against local women, according to Yehuda Bello, an acclaimed Israeli blogger whose special interests include Norway.

Bello, who understands Norwegian and has Norwegian contacts, reported that from January to late October, 48 rapes were confirmed to have been carried out in Oslo alone, 45 of them by Muslims. In the first six months of 2011, 208 Norwegian women complained of rape and attempted rape in Oslo alone. In all of Norway, 929 rapes and attempted aggravated rapes were reported since the beginning of the year, he added.

Bello notes that Norway is “the most advanced country in the world in granting rights to women.” However, he adds, the “politically correct rot” prevents the rape wave by Muslims from being reported. “They are called ‘non-western,’ ‘dark skinned,’ ‘Middle Eastern’ et cetera.

After a police report in Oslo said that Muslims were raping Norwegian women out of a religious conviction that this was the proper thing to do, a stormy public debate erupted, reports Bello, and “the government ministers, most of them avowed anti-Semites, claimed that the report and its publication serve Israel and its policy of occupation.”

Here’s where it gets interesting. I’ve long contended that European anti-Zionism operates as a form of cultural AIDS, in which the hostile forces cannot be identified, lest it get in the way of blaming Israel. Here we have a curious remark. How does acknowledging the religious origins of Muslim aggression against Norwegian women “serve Israel and its policy of occupation?” Is it because if Norwegians realized how barbaric and aggressive the strains of Islam that they are dealing with, they might be less inclined to blame Israel for their attitude towards Palestinians, more likely to understand that behavior as defensive rather than “imperialist occupation”?

In any case, the idea that because it might help Israel’s public image, Norwegians should not be addressing a problem that victimizes its own women is somewhat staggering.

Norway’s justice minister defended the police report but also said that “Israel must be glad to hear about it.”

This is my favorite line. Even if he will admit the problem, it just kills him to think that the Israelis will be schepping Schadenfreude over this event. That this thought would even enter his head, much less that he would express it openly, suggests a pathetically immature person.

And why might Israelis respond this way? Because Norway has behaved so despicably towards Israel, preening as a moral giant looking down in contempt at Israel’s moral squalor (in other words wallowing in the stye of moral Schadenfreude), so that, when the worm turns, the thought of Israelis feeling that way about Norway really rankles?

The irony is that, for every Israeli who has been paying attention and knows about Norway’s despicable behavior, and feels a brief wave of “serves them right,” there are twenty who worry about and empathize with the poor Norwegian women, abandoned by their own should-be protectors.

Bello says women do not dare venture out of their homes after dark in many parts of Norway and that many have even dyed their hair black, out of the conviction that blond hair is more alluring to the rapists. Some carry tear gas, although this is against the law.

Apparently, the last item on the government’s agenda is taking care of their own women. Now that’s the opposite of an honor-shame society. No wonder the Muslims have so much contempt for these people. They can be bullied by “human rights” speech to tacitly grant Muslims the right to rape Norwegian infidels as an act of multi-cultural understanding.

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