Sunday, January 01, 2012

Cognitive war by Palestinians and international media is Israel's real problem

Yochanan Visser, Sharon Shaked

In a recent op-ed for The Jerusalem Post, James Adler wrote that Israel’s real problem isn’t the New York Times reporting or Thomas Friedman. Adler claimed that the real problem are the transparent fallacies put forth by current Israeli hasbara (public diplomacy).

Adler’s article was an example of the pot calling the kettle black, as he committed one big fallacy in his description of the Arab Israeli conflict.

He also didn’t mention the endless stream of distortions and blatant lies about the conflict issued by Palestinian leaders on an almost daily basis. This propaganda is part of a cognitive war against Israel and the participation of international media like the New York Times and foreign commentators in that war, is Israel's real problem.


Take for example this historical revision by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in an op-ed for the New York Times in May 2011.

Abbas wrote at the time:

"It is important to note that the last time the question of Palestinian statehood took center stage at the General Assembly, the question posed to the international community was whether our homeland should be partitioned into two states. In November 1947, the General Assembly made its recommendation and answered in the affirmative. Shortly thereafter, Zionist forces expelledPalestinian Arabs to ensure a decisive Jewish majority in the future state of Israel, and Arab armies intervened. War and further expulsions ensued.

The truth of course is, that Arab forces attacked the Jews as soon as the UN voted in favor of partition of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. Last week Abbas was caught lying again when he claimed that Hamas had renounced the use of armed resistance against Israel.Speeking to European reporters Abbas said the following about his meeting with Hamas leader Khaled Mashal a month ago:

"We set the agreement's pillars, and Hamas agreed with us that resistance will be popular and adopt peaceful ways, rather than military resistance."

Peaceful resistance?

When Hamas celebrated its 23th anniversary in Gaza, Hamas PM Haniyeh called upon the Muslim Brotherhood to start a war to liberate Jerusalem (Al Quds). He then specified that Jerusalem means East and West and also said the following:

“We affirm that armed resistance is our strategic option and the only way to liberate our land, from the [Mediterranean] sea to the River [Jordan]. God willing, Hamas will lead the people… to the uprising until we liberate Palestine, all of Palestine”.

This week Hamas reiterated that it would never give up armed resistance against Israel. Salah al-Bardwil a member of Hamas’ Political Buro said that the issue was never raised in the negotiations between Fatah and Hamas.


The lies of Abbas pale in comparison to those of PA chief negotiator Sa’eb Arekat.

In a recent JPost op-ed, hilariously titled ‘The moment of truth’, Arekat asked the Israeli public to support the Palestinian bid for UN admission because, in his words, ”it is a peaceful, positive and collective investment in peace”.

The facts are that other Fatah leaders called this ‘investment in peace’ the beginning of the end of Israel.

Abbas Zaki for example,explained on Lebanon TV about the UN bid that ‘everybody knows that the greater goal cannot be accomplished in one go. If Israel withdraws from Jerusalem, evacuates the 650,000 settlers and dismantles the wall – what will become of Israel? It will come to an end’.

Peace process

Arekat also wrote: “Twenty years of peace process have passed without a conclusion to the conflict. In fact, most Palestinians have witnessed their situation go from bad to worse in the past two decades, while Israel enjoys unprecedented economic growth and prosperity”.

In reality the conflict could have be concluded in 2000 during the Camp David summit. Instead Arafat launched a preplanned terror war. As a result, the Palestinian economy collapsed. Current PA president Mahmoud Abbas had another chance to end the conflict in 2008. However, he never responded to Olmert’s final offer to establish a state on 98,5 % of the territories conquered in the 1967 Six Day War.

Arekat knows very well that the real unprecedented economic growth over the last five years took place in the Palestinian Authority. This happened after Israel removed restrictions in the West Bank, and prime minister Salam Fayad started to deal with the widespread corruption in the PA.

Prime example

A prime example of how Arekat gets caught in his own lies is this claim: “the settlements, wall and related infrastructure now de facto control almost half of the West Bank”.

A month ago Ha’aretz published an interview with Arekat in which he said that he was in the possession of aerial evidence showing that the settlements have been built on approximately 1,1% of the West Bank. .That interview was meant to make the case for an Israeli withdrawal behind the pre-1967 lines

In a 2002 New York Times op-ed Arekat wrote that a two state solution was already impossible and claimed that settlements occupied 42% of the West Bank.

Of course the 1,1% figure mentioned in the Ha’aretz article was the right one.

Adler’s fallacies

James Adler even outstripped Arekat when he discussed the history of Jewish settlement in the West Bank.

Adler: “Palestinians had lived throughout Palestine as 98 % of the population for many centuries before 1948. In contrast Israel ”.only recently settled the West Bank, outside her internationally recognized bounderies

The facts are that Jews have lived continuously in Judea and Samaria ( West Bank) in places like Jerusalem and Hebron long before any Palestinian Arab settled there. Many of these communities were destroyed by Arab violence before 1948

Furthermore, Palestinians may have lived as a large majority in Ottoman Palestine, but many of them weren’t Arabs. Also many Palestinian Arabs (up to 40%) were immigrants from other Arab countries, others were descendants of Jews who were forced to .convert to Islam

.As for the 'internationally recognized bounderies', these were the 1949 armistice lines and no international recognized borders.

The Truth

It is the Arab propaganda and not Israel's public diplomacy that is based on transparent fallacies. This, together with the undeniable fact that a significant part of the international media and community is buying this propaganda without any fact checking, is one of the main reasons why the Arab Israeli conflict lingers on.

By using lies, distortions and doublespeak directed at the international community the Palestinian leaders have succeeded to turn the tables on Israel.

Its real intentions become clear by the unilateral moves, its boycott policy towards Israel and the reconciliation with Hamas but .outside Israel nobody seems to care

Self- proclaimed friends and advisors like James Adler only encourage Palestinian intransigence by their one sided and distorted views and their eagerness to put Israel to task for the failures of the Palestinians.

If they really want to contribute to the solution of the conflict they could start to heed the late Senator Moynihan's admonition that ‘everyone is entitled to their own opinion but that no one is entitled to their own facts’.

Yochanan Visser, Director Missing Peace Middle East News, writer of ' Israel indicted' a recently published book about the cognitive war against Israel (Dutch language)

Sharon Shaked Arab affairs research Missing Peace, holds a BA Islam and Mid East studies from Hebrew University


DanS. said...

How do you make peace with " al-wala' wa'l-bara' " ? and the excuse in 1947 was.......

the masses are as*es.

Historyscoper said...

It's not about the Palestinians, it's about the hard left, who have decided to exterminate Israel prior to toppling the U.S. Hence their agitprop trashes Israel and the U.S. at the same time, and connects them in a smear campaign.

Too bad, they're NUTS, because the U.S. is the world's shining arsenal of freedom, and Israel is the Middle East's shining beacon of freedom. If they would disappear the world would enter a new Dark Ages, and the survivors wouldn't like it one bit.

Start 2012 right by scoping the history of Israel, Islam, etc. free in your browser with the Historyscoper and learning the facts that let you fight back: