Sunday, March 11, 2012

USA and Israel - Similarities In Political Headship

Nurit Greenger

They say that if Israel falls, the United States will be the next one to fall.

They say that the United States needs Israel as much as Israel needs the United States and the two countries' destiny in intertwined.

They say that there are many similarities between the two nations.

In recent years the US has not been unable to conclude a war with a total victory because it does not want to! In recent years Israel has been unable to conclude a war with a total victory and with the total submission of its enemy because it does not want to, or the world does not allow her to do so!

Both countries fight a politically correct wars, which cannot be won.

In many ways, today, the United State and Israel are made of the same fiber in many spheres.

In Israel there Israelis who are Israelis In Name Only, IINO, or unJews; some of these unJews are elected officials, who cannot be trusted to defend or lead the Jewish Nation.

In the United States there are many Americans who are Americans In Name Only, AINO; in Washington, especially in the Obama administration, to include president Obama, there are too many elected officials who are anti-America, who cannot be trusted to defend or lead the American Nation.

Having huge storage facilities, filled with great weapons, make no difference, if the military is not allowed or does not intend to use those weapons to inflict a terrible harm on the enemy until it surrenders, in a total submission. Just like Germany and Japan did, in WWII.

In Iraq, the US military moved out and al-Qaeda is already filling the gap the US military left there. The US military is now made of generals who speak for Washington not for the military they command.

In Israel the generals appear to be political peons (Peon is a Spanish-American day laborer or unskilled farm worker), preparing to take over, or be part of the government, so they play politics while in uniform. Such army command cannot win a war.

In general, military personnel make bad politicians.

In Israel and the US the public keeps on electing the same bureaucratic garbage, over and over again; the result, a government the public is most dissatisfied with.

I am ready to bet that if elections were made today, in both countries, both Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu will be reelected.


No officer, above the rank of Captain, shall be allowed to enter any form of civilian government function after retirement.

In the US, the Tea Party should be leading the government.

In Israel, there is a need for a complete change of the government system. It needs to be a Representative elections, without military officers in any function. A new Judicial system is required as well.

If the changes will not be made, both, the United State and Israel are going to continue to suffer the decline in leadership and having the image of weakness rather than having the image of might.

The solution are all with the people.

About the power of the People: The demands of the people must be met with the leaders at the head or the heads of the leaders.

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