Thursday, March 08, 2012

A World Reshuffled

Nurit Greenger

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Genesis 1:2

The world's luminaries' coterie are trying, with incredible and unfathomable haughtiness, to mimic the handiwork of God and create a New World Order, from the confusion and chaos they, themselves, are bringing about.

That is exactly their goal when they support of the 'Arab Spring', that is to cause global chaos, genocide and mass killing of innocents, robbery, theft, rape and threats and other such cruel and evil acts. All that so from all this chaos they can create a new order, that they want and work to build, with the help of the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in the entire Middle East. So far the luminaries were successful in achieving their goals and bring such chaos into Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and Syria and soon to Jordan too. For now, they have not finished the job of the Muslim Brotherhood's 'coronation', but task is working, by design, and on its way to be accomplished, as planned.

As for Israel, even there, the luminaries are trying to bring horrific chaos, by allowing Iran to become nuclear and the possible war with Iran. Obama has one objective in mind, which is to be reelected, at any cost. If Israel attacks Iran, it is possible he will not be reelected. Additionally, if Israel, alone, will go on the attack on the Shiite Muslim Satan, Iran, without U.S. help - at least initially – this event will allow later on to bring about a new order to the Jewish state, Israel, that will include a Palestinian state, one state for all the citizens, exactly in accord with the New Israel Fund-NIF charter and continuous mantra.

We may suppose that Israel's president, Shimon Peres, Defense Minister, Ehud Barak and retired supreme court president, Dorit Beinish and others are senior luminaries in Israeli, whose slogan is: 'Ordo Ab Chao,' its meaning is, "order out of chaos" - God created law and order out of chaos. That is, first once needs to create chaos and then, out of it build – the luminaries are also called 'builders' - the new order, along which they want the world to be operating.

Even former president George W. Bush once said:" And, you know, it'll take time to restore chaos and order out of chaos. But we will." - Washington, D.C., April 13, 2003. – George W. Bush

Barack Obama Is working for the New World Order clan.

For the past three years we have seen and heard, ad nauseam, Barack Hussein Obama and his associates and by now, we surely have figured them out very well.

The sovereign State of Israel must finally wean itself from the big brother, and act independently of the present US administration.

The pretense political game must end, and the daylight between the two countries must be revealed.

There is no need for declarations; however, if, for any reason, some declarations are necessary, they need to be short and to the point. The lip service, to the big lies and distortion, must end.

Israel must formally and clearly link Iran's declared plans to annihilate the Zionist entity and her unwavering determination to prevent them. A note on record to Israel's intentions must be sent to every state that is a member of the saboteur United Nations Organization-UN.

In view of Iran's repeated declarations of the mullah regime intent to destroy the state of Israel and kill its Jewish [and non-Jewish] population, Israel must make the record clear: that it intends to use all means, deem required, to prevent Iran from carrying out her threats.

Iran's wish is the same as the luminaries, which is a new world order, in which this Moslem Shia fanatic and genocidal regime wants to be the number one, or the only player.

The people in the free world must demand that their governments put the record straight: that they intend to use all means, deem necessary, to prevent Iran from becoming a terrorist nuclear power and then return the entire world to its original chaos.

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