Monday, November 19, 2012

Cyber Front of operation: attacked government sites

Naama Artshik
44 million - for a number of cyber attacks suffered by various
government sites in Israel since the Israeli army launched a "pillar
of cloud." Website of the President took the Peak strikes - ten
million hacking attempts, the Foreign Ministry website, seven million
and Site Prime Minister: Three million attempts. Meanwhile, cyber
attacks were unsuccessful, but sources have not been identified.
Since the beginning of Operation Nube Israel has faced a new frontier,where the attacker is not known, and the source of the attack can come from anywhere in the world. Cyber ​​War with Israel faces became especially widespread in recent days, with more than 40 million attacks on various government sites and their branches.

"Since the beginning of the operation in Gaza was clear that attempts
at attack will increase, and we have experienced attempted attacks
scales and levels we have not seen until now, certainly not current -
even political events others who were at the time," says Commissioner of ICT in government, Carmela Avner, adding that this battle No ceasefires.
"This front will increase. Was not just the front spot now, these
attacks and any activity on social networks, the government has a very significant interest for various hackers to change our message," she said.
Attack sources are diverse, but their target six days of the operation
was targeted: Website President has absorbed ten million attempted
attacks, the Foreign Ministry website was facing seven million hacking attempts and locate the prime minister took three million cyber intrusion attempts.
However, if you try to point out the guilty, it is difficult to ignore
from Anonymous - group of hackers from around the world, already
announced at the beginning of operation: Israel in the crosshairs.
"Israel Defense Forces and the Israeli government, this is the only
warning - Do not disconnect the Internet in Gaza and stop to terrorize
the innocent people of Gaza, otherwise you will feel the fury of
Anonymous," the voice says wearing a mask which appears on all videos that raises anonymous network.
Meanwhile, there were still significant damage due to attempted attack on government sites, but any damage to the infrastructure of the internet ministry could severely impact on the citizens of the South, now depend on the resources and information that are primarily online.
Yisrael Medad

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