The cost of Muslim immigration is enormous. Nevermind the billions in security bureaucracy and inconveniences in travel of all sorts, but the constant legal and zoning jihad being waged by Muslims in every city in every state in the U.S.
In this case, Muslims seeking a mega mosque failed to have zoning laws changed in their favor and as usual ran to Obama’s DOJ. The Muslims not only are willing to sabotage the city they live in and want to build their mosque in (ie, takeover), they get high profile New York City lawyers…pro bono. Taxpayer-funded DOJ dhimmis and pro-bono lawyers are forcing a mosque on local residents and local politicians want to rollover. Their idea of a “settlement” is to give the Muslims $100,000 cash and let them build the mosque. They couldn’t care less about the people they are supposed to represent.
via Mosque controversy re-ignites in heat of fall campaign – Norwalk Citizen.
A Republican campaign flier circulated around West Norwalk has re-ignited controversy over a mosque proposed for Fillow Street weeks before the Nov. 5 municipal election.
The flier, left on doorsteps by Common Councilman David McCarthy, R-District E, and Zoning Commission Chairwoman Emily Wilson, a Republican council candidate, has prompted calls for an apology and cries of outrage from Norwalk Democrats. It’s being called misleading and inaccurate “dirty politics” by Democrats, who say the flier gives Al Madany Islamic Center evidence to support its claim of religious persecution and could potentially cost the city a significant amount of litigation costs because of a lawsuit filed against the proposal’s denial.
But McCarthy and Wilson have refused to apologize for the flier, which promises residents of District E that Republican Mayor Richard Moccia will fight the lawsuit, while implying that Democratic mayoral candidate Harry Rilling will not.
Adding to the controversy is the fact that Rilling’s campaign has accepted a $250 donation from long-time Norwalk resident Farhan Memom, a spokesman for the Islamic center.
That is being portrayed by some as a “donation from the mosque.” Rilling supporters point out that Moccia’s campaign donors include developers and contractors who have projects pending before the city, including two who have given $1,000 each — the maximum allowed — and a husband and wife who have each given $500.
“I promised to run a positive campaign based on the issues,” Rilling said in an email when questioned about the issue. “We have done that since day one and will continue to do that. It is disappointing that others are not doing the same.”
Rilling has refused to comment on the mosque lawsuit, saying that, as a zoning commissioner, he cannot. He was not on the panel when the proposal was voted on.
The application for a special permit to build a mosque and community center at 127 Fillow St. was turned down by the Zoning Commission in June 2012. Al Madany later sued in federal court, alleging discrimination based on religious preference, a violation of the Religious Land Use Institutionalized Persons Act.
“Mayor Moccia is pressing the legal fight to defend the city against this group’s lawsuit,” the GOP campaign flier said in bold type. Read more »
Comment: Do Americans understand the rationale behind the building of mega mosques? It is about control, conquest, staking out territory-don't believe me, then begin your own study.
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