Things are about to get interesting.
Obama is dumping Iran sanctions as his new crush on Iran’s new puppet grows. Meanwhile the Senate will consider sanctions on Iran. And Jewish groups have backed sanctions.
So the incredible diplomatic skills of Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes were deployed to convince Jewish groups to LEAVE IRAN ALONE. But it doesn’t seem to have worked.
White House national security advisor Susan Rice, her deputies Ben Rhodes and Tony Blinken and Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman met with the leaders of four major American Jewish organizations on Tuesday afternoon in an effort to dissuade them from lobbying the Senate towards passing harsh new sanctions against Iran, just as bilateral negotiations have resumed between the two nations.It’s a given that Obama Inc. will simply refuse to enforce any sanctions that do get past and that friendly Senate Dems will find a way to pass some sort of bill that will let them look pro-Israel, but will let him do just that.
The White House meeting witnessed forceful exchanges between the two sides on the merits of the sanctions package, sources tell The Jerusalem Post.
In recent days a number of leading Jewish groups, including AIPAC, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and the Jewish Federations of North America, have reiterated support for advancing through Congress new and enhanced Iran sanctions
But it’s still an important showdown, if only because it will mean that even liberal Jewish groups, for once, stood up to B.O. I’m not confident that they will, but we’ll see. And it will force Senate Dems to show their true colors as well.
Obama is in Appease Iran mode. Let’s see how far Senate Dems are willing to go to join him. Especially since they have to prep for 2014 and 2016.
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