Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Operation Protective Edge Two rockets intercepted by Iron Dome over Greater Tel Aviv

LAST UPDATED: 07/09/2014 17:29

Tel Aviv area targeted for second straight day as Operation Protective Edge continues; ealrier on Wednesday, IDF confirms two rockets fell in open areas of the Hof Hacarmel Regional Council south of Haifa.

Two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip were intercepted over the Greater Tel Aviv area on Wednesday.
Code Red rocket alert sirens sounded in Holon and Bat Yam prior to the interceptions.
No injuries or damage were reported in the attacks.

The Islamic Jihad took responsibility for the rockets.Earlier on Wednesday, rocket alert sirens sounded in Zichron Yaakov, some 120 km north of the Gaza Strip.
The IDF confirmed that two rockets fell in open areas of the Hof Hacarmel Regional Council south of Haifa. The attack marked the furthest north that rockets from Gaza have fallen.

 A Code Red siren sounded in nearby Binyamina on Tuesday, but that proved to be a false alarm.
Channel 2 suggested that the rockets may have been the Syrian-made M-302 type rocket, which was used to target Hadera on Wednesday.
More than 60 rockets fired from Gaza have been launched at Israel on Wednesday.
The IDF launched Operation Protective Edge early on Tuesday morning to try to eradicate increased rocket fire from Gaza. 
Hamas has increased the range of its rocket fire during Operation Protective Edge, launching attacks at Ashdod, Hadera, Tel Aviv and the Jerusalem area, in addition to the western Negev communities which neighbor Gaza.
The Iron Dome rocket defense system has intercepted dozens of projectiles fired toward population centers, limiting the injuries caused by the attacks.

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