Monday, July 16, 2007

From Mouse to Vile Killer Bee
Continued Failed Policy by USA and Israel

The US gives Abbas $86 million and Israel releases over $100 million more, these actions take place without any reciprocal actions from the Palestinian Authority.

We have said for many years this policy does not work, it does not change behavior on the ground. For example, there is no evidence required of steps taken to end incitement, corruption or terror. To the contrary, one step of protested action is replaced by another, equally vile.

Remember Farfour, the Mickey Mouse clone who encouraged young children to hate Jews and become martyrs? He was taken off the air when murdered by an Israeli in the last episode. His replacement is a Killer Bee who tells children to take revenge on the enemies of Allah. WATCH THE VIDEO.

Thanks to Aggie Hoffman for bringing this to our attention

In the Al Aqsa TV Show Pioneers of Tomorrow, the degenerate child abusers of Hamas have replaced their evil jihad-spouting Mickey Mouse clone with a new character: Nahoul the Killer Bee, who tells empty-eyed child host Saraa he plans to "take revenge upon the enemies of Allah."
Clip #1510
Windows Media Player
#1510 - Nahoul the Bee Replaces Farfour - Hamas Mickey Mouse - and Vows to Continue on His Path of Martyrdom and Jihad
Al-Aqsa TV (Palestinian Authority) - 7/13/2007 - 00:01:26 #

Saraa, child host: Who are you, and where did you come from?

Nahoul the Bee: I am Nahoul.

Saraa: Nahoul who?

Nahoul: I'm Nahoul, Farfour's cousin.

Saraa: What do you want?

Nahoul: I want to continue the path of my cousin Farfour.

Saraa: How do you want to do this?

Nahoul: I want to be in every episode with you on the Pioneers of Tomorrow show, just like Farfour. I want to continue in the path of Farfour – the path of Islam, of heroism, of martyrdom, and of the mujahideen . Me and my friends will follow in the footsteps of Farfour. We will take revenge upon the enemies of Allah, the killer of the prophets and of the innocent children, until we liberate Al-Aqsa from their impurity. We place our trust in Allah.

Saraa: Welcome, Nahoul...

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