Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rolling Stones To Israel haters: 'Up Yours'

Mick Jagger, Rolling Stones (on article below):
 “We’ve been slammed and smacked and twittered a lot by the anti-Israeli side,” said Mick Jagger, the band’s leader and most recognizable member since 1963. “All I can say is: anything worth doing is worth overdoing. So we decided to add a concert on Tuesday.”

Another  anti-Israeli and antisemitism of leftist leaders  is on following video,  about  ideology to support Muslims and to FIGHT Israel with ALL possible ways (Leftist people should know where their leaders take them with their ideology):

One professor interviewed on the video said the leftists attacking Israel because it is much simpler to do it on Israel as a weak country than to attack Russia (for Chechnya case).

The video show a strategic plan of hitting Israel with false statementswith no evidences, while many leftists leaders co-ordinate their activities with Muslim organizations.
Extreme Leaders are 
pushing hard on their people to follow their false ideology (ideology which can be easily defeated by evidences), with strong bias against Israel.
On the video: The Leftist leaders have chosen to attack Israel  economically (by trade mark), diplomatically, publicly, culturally and at sporting events (per video interview).: (Video was  edited to be shorter, mostly in English and with sub-titles. Original it was a 50 minutes TV program on CH 10 Israeli TV program “The Source”).

OIC Ramps Up ‘Islamophobia’ Campaign

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has long been on the forefront of the Islamist mission to establish the equivalent of Islamic blasphemy laws in the West.  Now, during its 12th Islamic Summit held in Cairo February 7-8, 2013, the OIC set forth new and creative ways to silence, and ultimately criminalize criticism of Islam.

The OIC is a 57-member state organization that claims to represent 1.5 billion Muslims around the globe.  As the second largest international organization in the world, behind only the UN, and as the largest Islamic organization in the world, it is obviously quite powerful.  Though it is arguably the largest voting block in the UN, most people have never heard of it.

One of the OIC’s primary aims for at least the last fourteen years has been the international criminalization of speech that is critical of any Islam-related topic, including Islamic terrorism, Islamic persecution of religious minorities and human rights violations committed in the name of Islam.

The Dreaded Israel Lobby Strikes Again

Sultan Knish

The Israel Lobby which controls American foreign policy, but has thus far been unable to get the United States to stop funding the terrorists currently shooting rockets at its 14th largest city, has struck again as Senate Democrats voted unanimously to make Chuck Hagel the next Secretary of Defense.

The dreaded Israeli Lobby, Jewish Lobby, Israel Lobby or any other permutation of the form that you prefer, has largely kept silent during the Hagel nomination. The head of the ADL was heard to mutter something and the AJC suggested that the Senate should possibly rethink the nomination before falling silent again. As if anyone needed more proof that the Zionist Entity controls Washington.

AIPAC and all the other groups who regularly send out envelopes warning of disaster if the check doesn't come in the mail have an amazing track record.

What John Kerry Doesn’t Know About Democracy and Also About Islam

Barry Rubin

In practically his first outing as secretary of state abroad, John Kerry made some remarkable statements in a meeting with young Germans. The main thing being widely quoted is this:

“In America, you have a right to be stupid if you want to be,” he said. “And we tolerate it. We somehow make it through that. Now, I think that’s a virtue. I think that’s something worth fighting for.”

Of course, there’s a right to be stupid in America! Indeed, just this week it's been expanded into having a right to be simultaneously stupid and secretary of defense!

To be fair, Kerry's statement was in the context of defending, albeit not very well, freedom of speech in America. (Kerry was obviously referencing President Barack Obama’s UN speech in his own talking points.)  How Kerry defends it is what's scary and dysfunctional.

He was basically saying: Yeah, we know that all these dumb people who don’t agree with us are wrong but we let them talk anyway because it works out okay in the end since nobody listens to them anyway. While he used the words “virtue” and “worth fighting for” those sentiments seem to be clumped onto the end for form’s sake. Kerry certainly doesn't say--or understand--that people have rights and government has limits. Instead, he talks as if the ruling elite tolerates such fools because it's so nice.

Hagel Without Tears

Editorial of The New York Sun 
By confirming Charles Hagel as secretary of war, Senator Schumer and the Democratic leadership send a pointed message to the Jewish community in America. It is that if the Jewish defense agencies are not going to stick up publicly for Israel, it is hard to expect others to do so. There is no sugar-coating the point. The Senate has just confirmed the most truculent cabinet officer in respect of Israel in more than a generation because important institutions and leaders shrank from making an issue of it.

This is a story that is painful for many people to talk about. It would be inaccurate to suggest that the only objection to putting Mr. Hagel in at the war department had to do with Israel. He would be inadequate, even were Israel not an issue. There is a broad sense within the Jewish community — as there is among a number of non-Jewish senators who permitted his nomination to go to the floor — that Mr. Hagel has proven himself incompetent and disingenuous.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How "Argo" Condemns Hollywood and Fixing the NFL (Serious Humor and Satire)

Barry Rubin

1. How "Argo" Blasts Hollywood.

Hollywood gave the film "Argo" the Academy Award for best picture. But wait a minute! Did the film industry members who voted for it understand what the film said?

To rescue five Americans trapped in Iran and hiding out from the Islamist revolution, the CIA seeks help from Hollywood. The plan is to pretend to make a movie in Iran and then smuggle out the State Department employees (who have been given refuge in the Canadian embassy)  as supposed members of the film crew.

BUT it is clearly explained in the film that the U.S. government knows that nobody in Hollywood will help since they don't want to take a risk; cooperate with the CIA, which they regard as evil; or lift a finger to save the Americans. Only one man--an independent director--is enough of an outcast and rebel rogue to help. The film is thus not a celebration of Hollywood as hero but a condemnation of the town for its anti-patriotic, narrow selfishness. Naturally, nobody in Hollywood noticed this plot theme.

There's a good parallel here with the kind of films Hollywood so often makes today which are consistent with this anti-patriotic theme. And, ironically, the Best Picture Oscar was handed out by Michelle Obama, backed by some soldiers in dress uniform. 

Palestinians Exporting Terrorists to Syria Where Next?

Khaled Abu Toameh

The Palestinians who are heading to Syria have been told their next station will be Jordan, then Israel, where, with their friends in Jabhat al-Nusra, they hope to create an pan-Islamic state ruled by Sharia laws.
The Gaza Strip has begun exporting terrorists to other countries. If the terrorists are not stopped, they will start showing up in European capitals and probably cities in the United States.

In contrast to claims by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas leaderships to the effect that the Palestinians are not taking sides in the conflict, Palestinians are involved in the fighting in Syria.

Inside the Muslim Student Association Conference, Part 3

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To read Part II, click here.

In Part 1 of this series on the recent 15th Annual Muslim Student Association (MSA) West Conference, which I attended at the University of California, Santa Barbara, I gave a general overview of the conference’s pro-Palestinian activism, its promotion of a sense of victimization at the mercy of an Islamophobic society and university system, its urgent appeal to political activism that goes hand-in-hand with its emphasis on strengthening one’s Muslim faith and community, and its support from top Muslim Brotherhood front groups in America. Part 2 focused on the biggest names who had been invited to speak there, radicals like Siraj Wahhaj, Edina Lekovich and Taher Herzallah of the infamous Irvine 11. Let’s look at some of the lesser-known speakers there whose presentations were even more political.

Ali Mir, Director of Muslim Student Life at the University of Southern California, whose bio was not included in the conference program booklet, lectured the crowd about “white privilege” in a session called “Perennial Spring,” probably intended to echo the disastrous “Arab Spring.” Mir identified cultural and economic “imperialism” as the basis of American foreign policy, and urged students to get politically involved in “social justice”: “As Muslims, we demonstrate our Islamic principles by working to empower all marginalized people, regardless of their faith,” reads his session description. Really? Like the marginalized Christians in Egypt and Nigeria and elsewhere where Muslim fundamentalists are slaughtering them openly? Like the marginalized Jews in Europe and elsewhere who are suffering increased violent persecution at the hands of Muslims? Mir neglected to address that contradiction.

Capitalism: A Hate Story

Sultan Knish
In Year 1 of Obama, two fat cats named Michael Moore and Harvey Weinstein released a movie. Their magnum opus was "Capitalism: A Love Story". The unsubtly sarcastic point after the colon was that capitalism was an unmitigated bag of evil. And to reaffirm the faith of capitalism-haters in the evils of capitalism, here was a movie put out by a bunch of corporations owned by millionaires.

The traditional image of the anti-capitalist as a ragamuffin who dies of consumption in his garret has always been at odds with the real image of the anti-capitalist as a rich man or the son of a rich man. When Obama launched his big push for higher taxes, he enlisted as his ally none other than the richest man in the country. And when Occupy Wall Street's demographics were broken down, the courageous opponents of capitalism turned out to be the sons and daughters of the upper class.

Hezbollah getting passports in Belize to travel from Mexico to U.S.

creeping Found this via an incoming search that hit our blog via Method used by Hezbollah to travel from Mexico to the U.S., connection Belize :: Latin America Current Events & News.
1. In 2012 Labboun Rafic Mohammed (Muslim cleric) with alleged links to Hezbollah was arrested in Merida Mexico. He was also a fugitive from U.S. justice.
2. He arrived in Yucatan and apparently used a network of Lebanese government officials. These officials colluded with parties in Belize who provided a fake passport from Belize.
3. Labboun’s fake passport was in the name of Wilhelm Dyck. Dyck was a deceased Mennonite child. Labboun also possessed a drivers license in the same name.
4. Razur Antonio Elias – Director of the Mexican Drug Observatory indicated in a report that Islamist organizations are linked to Mexican drug traffickers on the Yucatan Peninsula. Traffickers are providing passports, birth certificates, and drivers licenses from Belize. COST REPORTED $25,000.

Twenty Years after the WTC Bombing

by creeping
A day late but thanks to @michellemalkin for the reminder yesterday. via Twenty Years after the WTC Bombing – Andrew C. McCarthy
Today is the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center bombing. It also marks three weeks since the attempted murder of Lars Hedegaard, the intrepid Danish champion of free speech. These events are not unrelated.
Back in 1993, there was a tireless effort to limn the WTC bombers as wanton killers. They were, we were to understand, bereft of any coherent belief system, unrepresentative of any mainstream construction of Islam. In reality, though, they were devout Muslim operatives who belonged to a jihadist cell formed in the New York area by Omar Abdel Rahman — whose notoriety as the shadowy “Blind Sheikh” obscured the basis of his profound influence over Islamists across the globe.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How Sickening Will Sweden Get?

Douglas Murray

Their gamble is that if we give the Organization of Islamic Cooperation just a little something -- just a "harmless" little law -- then we might all just be able to get along. But for every inch of encouragement the free nations of the world give the OIC, the more Reza Jabbaris we sacrifice -- and a million more free-thinking souls.
How to deal with one madman is tricky enough, but how do you rectify things if the whole world has gone mad? Take Sweden and its apparent determination to deport Reza Jabbari back to his native Iran, most likely to be killed for having converted from Islam to Christianity.
First, there is the growing phenomenon of individuals being targeted for retribution if they have been seen to "insult" Islam. In particular there is the terrible recent case of Lars Hedegaard, who was targeted by an assassin at his home in Denmark earlier this month. The larger tapestry that hangs behind incidents such as the attempted assassination of Lars Hedegaard, Kurt Westergaard and others, however, is not just the attempt to silence a few brave voices, but the attempt to silence an entire planet. I refer of course to the attempt to criminalize – around the world – any speech which is deemed to be offensive to Islam.

Twenty Years after the WTC Bombing

Today is the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center bombing. It also marks three weeks since the attempted murder of Lars Hedegaard, the intrepid Danish champion of free speech. These events are not unrelated.

Back in 1993, there was a tireless effort to limn the WTC bombers as wanton killers. They were, we were to understand, bereft of any coherent belief system, unrepresentative of any mainstream construction of Islam. In reality, though, they were devout Muslim operatives who belonged to a jihadist cell formed in the New York area by Omar Abdel Rahman — whose notoriety as the shadowy “Blind Sheikh” obscured the basis of his profound influence over Islamists across the globe.

"Decidedly Negative"

What's negative?  Oh, I won't say everything. Should never say that.  But there's a great deal that is, and the sense one gets when surveying the situation is an enormous weariness.
Let's begin with coalition formation here in Israel.  PM Netanyahu was given 28 days to form that new coalition.  By my calculation, his mandate from President Peres began on February 3, which brings us to this Sunday, March 3.  He can then request an extension of 14 additional days. After that, if he has no government, he will have struck out.
Maybe he will get his act together.  A good number of people continue to think so. (See the latest news, below.) But he'd better hustle.  So far, the only one officially on board is Tzipi Livni and her party of the same name.  Already there's dissension within her party, because she seemed to have passed over number two on the list, Amram Mitzna, for number three, Amir Peretz, with regard to a ministry.  Although this is hardly worth belaboring, it gives a sense of how disorganized, how unpleasant, matters are.

Saudi Religious Police Arrest Ethiopian Workers for Practicing Christianity
Benjamin Weinthal
21st February 2013 - Fox News
Saudi Arabia’s notorious religious police, known as the mutawa, swooped in on a private gathering of at least 53 Ethiopian Christians this month, shutting down their private prayer, and arresting the peaceful group of foreign workers for merely practicing their faith, has learned.

The mixed group of men and women was seized in a private residence in the city of Dammam, the capital of the wealthy oil province in Eastern Arabia, and Saudi authorities charged three Christian leaders with seeking to convert Muslims to Christianity. The latest crackdown on Christianity in the ultra-fundamental Islamic country comes on the heels of a brutal 2011/2012 incarceration and torture of 36 Ethiopian Christians, and drew a sharp rebuke from a U.S. lawmaker.

Muslims aggressively recruiting, converting black youth in poorest DC neighborhoods


As Obama’s pick for CIA head, a convert to Islam himself, stated that jihad is a “legitimate tenet of Islam“, this won’t end well. via South East DC Experiencing Surge in Teens, Youth Entering Into Islam.
In the poorest areas of the nation’s capital, Wards Seven and Eight, where unemployment is in double digits nearing 20%, schools are struggling and there’s a church on nearly every corner Islam is growing at a rapid pace, especially among young males.
“People are looking for a change. They’ve seen the results of what their parents and grandparents have tried. They know about 40-60 years of trying everything else. They don’t want the same things their parents have tried with little success,” Anthony Muhammad, Vice President for the 7th District Citizen’s Advisory Council for the Metropolitan Police Department told the Muslim Link.

COP: Where Could We POSSIBLY Cut the Federal Budget?

Amy Payne 

If you had to cut your family’s budget, where would you cut?
Would you immediately start starving your children and stop wearing shoes? Of course not. You would look at the extras in your life—whether they were coffee shop lattes, movie tickets, or restaurant meals.
It’s a good thing the President wouldn’t be handling your budget. As Dan Holler of our sister organization, Heritage Action for America, has said: “If President Obama were making the decision for your family… he’d tell you to stop buying gas for your car and explain how you could only eat five days a week.”
Now that President Obama has turned against sequestration, he is suggesting that spending cuts to federal agencies must result in dire consequences. Firefighters, emergency responders, and teachers will all be cut, he claims. Media outlets have played up these sob stories, copying White House releases in their local news stories and soliciting sad testimonials from people who supposedly would be affected by these cuts.
But the question remains: Why would federal agencies cut their most vital assets instead of trimming around the edges? After all, the sequestration cuts are only 2.4 percent of federal spending.

If a Muslim [blanked], would the media mention it?

If a Muslim shot and killed three people in a broad daylight shooting spree in California, would the media mention it?
If a Muslim doctor lured a 9-month pregnant woman through a Craigslist ad in Ohio then drugged, raped, killer her and her unborn child then abused her corpse, would the media mention it?
If a Muslim was the primary suspect in a shooting on the Las Vegas strip that killed three people, would the media mention it? 

Obama's New Libya Update: American and Three Others Arrested in Benghazi for Preaching Christianity

ANDREW C. MCCARTHY February 26, 2013
The latest from "moderate" Libya: Four foreign Christians, including an American with dual Swedish citizenship, have been arrested on suspicion of being missionaries who have been distributing Christian literature. They were apprehended in Benghazi, the jihadist hotbed where U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were murdered in September. The missionaries could face the death penalty under Islam's sharia law, which forbids the proselytizing of creeds other than Islam, imposes capital punishment on Muslims who convert to Christianity, and similarly discourages any speech that might sow discord among Muslims.

Hollywood is Dead

Sultan Knish

Hollywood has no problem being dumb, sleazy and violent. Those are all known and marketable qualities. What it does not look is appearing desperate. Desperation however is what the Oscars of this year and last year have in common. They stink of an industry desperately racing its own age and irrelevance reaching for gimmicks to try and hang on to a younger audience.

The dirty little secret is that Hollywood hardly exists anymore. The industry is bigger than ever, but its bread and butter consists of 200 and 300 million dollar special effects festivals filmed in front of green screens and created in Photoshop and three-dimensional graphics programs. They star obscure or mildly famous actors and they do two-thirds of their business abroad.

America is still the official headquarters of the global entertainment industry, but many of the bigger projects are filmed internationally with foreign money and intended for foreign markets. What the American corporations bring to the table is the intellectual property which is why the latest spasm of mergers and buyouts has focused on taking control of every treasury of classic marketable properties.

Who Will the Muslim Brotherhood Heed: Allah or Tom Friedman (and such people)? No Contest

Barry Rubin

Sigh. Forgive me. I really don't want to write this article but it is too good a case study of the contemporary Western foreign policy reporting, debate, and elite attitudes toward international affairs. And doing a better job is vital because this task involves the fate of millions of people; matters of war and peace; the most basic interests of the United States; and the decency of intellectual discourse.

I refer of course to:

Thomas L. Friedman's latest effort, "The Belly Dancing Barometer." Hey, tens of millions of lives are at stake so that's worth a flippant title and a goofy concept, right?

Hyderabad India: Terror Attack – Begum Bazaar Now Targeted: Revenge for Execution of Muslim Terrorist?


The Caliphate is marching forward, leaving Hindus in its wake, an easier target today than Americans. The Indian Mujahideen” is suspected in two bombings in Hyderabad, one outside of a bus station and one outside of a movie theater, each attached to bicycles. Sixteen are dead, 70 injured. In a letter reported today, several days after the two Hyderabad bombings, Lashkar-e-Taiba is claiming responsibility, and are believed to be a front for the Indian Mujahideen. As you’ll read below, Hyderabad executed a Muslim militant convicted of a 2001 attack on India’s parliament. After 3,000 died in the U.S. in 2001, we haven’t executed a single terrorist through our Department of Justice – but perhaps we would have had Capitol Hill been attacked, or the Obama DOJ.
Graphic Courtesy of Bosch Fawnstin
Graphic Courtesy of Bosch Fawnstin
Echoes of August 2007 when 42 died in two separate bomb blasts in Hyderabad.

'EU will rethink Hezbollah's status after probe'


Dutch foreign minister stresses Netherlands' position on Lebanese organization, says Burgas findings will lead to blacklisting.

People react to Bulgaria bombing

People react to Bulgaria bombing Photo: REUTERS
BERLIN – The Netherlands’ Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans stressed on Monday the Dutch position that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and ought to be banned from European soil.

Separately, former Dutch foreign minister Uri Rosenthal outlined to The Jerusalem Post the mixed views about outlawing Hezbollah within the 27- member European Union.

“Hezbollah is a terrorist organization,” Timmermans said in a statement issued by the Dutch Embassy in Israel .

“Frans Timmermans has expressed concern at the findings of Bulgaria’s investigation into the deadly attack on a bus carrying Israeli tourists in Burgas in July 2012. Bulgaria concluded that the military wing of Hezbollah was responsible.

Mr. Timmermans sees this as confirmation of the Netherlands’ position that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization.

Is George Galloway the Dumbest Politician in the UK?

Daniel Greenfield 

George Galloway is getting a lot of attention for stomping out during a debate with a student. Galloway claimed that he did it because he has a boycott on all “normal contacts with individuals or organisations in Israel”. The debate wasn’t taking place in Israel, but for all anyone knows George was too drunk to know that.
In response to criticism from boycotters who oppose Israel and expect Galloway to debate Israelis, George declared that he will define what a boycott is. “Secondly, an organisation calling itself “BDS” does not own the words or the concept of boycott, divestment or sanctions. They are entitled to their own interpretation of these words but they don’t own or control me. I will make my own interpretation.”

Islamist Assassinations in the West

Daniel Pipes

Horrific as the first two forms of terrorism are, assassinations are the most terrifying and effective. Whereas the first two can happen to anyone and have the effect of creating a vague dread, the third focuses on a small pool of targets and sends a specific signal to others not to follow in their footsteps. Assassinations intimidate the most and have the gravest consequences.
Terrorism broadly takes two forms: against random individuals who happen to be at a market place or on a bus at the wrong time; or against specific individuals because of who they are. The latter in turn divides into two: against broad categories of people (the military, Jews, people who wear eyeglasses) and against specific public figures, either individuals or institutions. In effect, these last are assassinations (defined by Merriam-Webster as "to murder (a usually prominent person) by sudden or secret attack often for political reasons").
Horrific as the first two genres are, assassinations are the most terrifying and effective. Whereas the first two can happen to anyone and have the effect of creating a universal but vague dread, the third focuses on a small pool of targets and sends a specific signal to others not to follow in their footsteps. In general, therefore, assassinations inspire the most consequential fear, intimidate the most, and have the greatest consequences.

The War of Ideologies in the Arab World

Najat Fawzy AlSaied

Now a similar mistake is being made by U.S. policies through apparent support for the Muslim brotherhood. Clerics on satellite channels who directly incite terrorist acts must be should be held responsible as criminals. Terrorism cannot be defeated only by killing extremist leaders and holding premature elections. Radical Islamist ideology must be analyzed and challenged.
If one were to ask an Arab what has happened to the Arab countries, and why the terrorism and extremism we see today did not exist in the 1950s and 1960s, the answer would probably point to the frustrations and struggles of dual identities: Arab nationalism and Islamism. After the collapse of Arab nationalism, Islamist movements and ideologies emerged to fill the void. The two developments that exposed the dangerous turn to extremism the Islamist movements had taken were the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the recent Arab uprisings, called the "Arab Spring."

Monday, February 25, 2013

COP: The Pros and Cons of Sequestration‏

Across-the-board spending cuts to military and domestic programs are slated for March 1, unless Congress takes action to stop them. There has been a lot of talk on both sides of the aisle about these cuts, commonly referred to as the sequester. We're dedicated to ensuring that the truth doesn't get lost in all the noise.

As the sequestration deadline rapidly approaches, the White House and congressional Republicans remain far apart and neither appears willing to make any concessions to halt the process that analysts claim will disrupt government services and has the potential to toss a monkey wrench into an already slumbering economy.

So how did we get here? Bill Straub breaks down the nuts and bolts of the sequestration "meat axe." Click here to read his post now.


PolicyWatch 2040
February 25, 2013

By Michael Singh

To read this PolicyWatch on our website, go to:


Rather than seeking alternative approaches, Washington and its allies should sharpen their focus on P5+1 negotiations, targeted sanctions, credible military pressure, and outreach to the Iranian opposition.


After an eight-month lull, Iran and the P5+1 states -- Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States -- will meet in Almaty, Kazakhstan, for a new round of nuclear talks. The summit comes after Tehran dismissed a prior P5+1 offer of incentives in exchange for caps on the regime's nuclear activities. The long scheduling delay and the now-customary tussling over venue illustrate the stagnation, if not regression, of the process: after eight years of multilateral discussions and more than a decade of military warnings against Iran, the nuclear issue has resisted all attempts at resolution. This in turn has given rise to a search for simple solutions, such as more sanctions or direct U.S.-Iran talks. What is truly required, however, is a disciplined and coordinated approach using multiple levers simultaneously -- the sort of effort that has long eluded Washington and its allies.

NY: Muslim group asks court to halt publication of book exposing terror training camps in America


via NY-based Muslim group asks court to halt publication of accusatory book |
Syracuse, NY — A national Muslim organization headquartered in the Southern Tier has filed a libel lawsuit against the author of a book that describes the group as the host of terrorist training camps.
Muslims of America, based in Hancock, Delaware County, sued Martin Mawyer and his Christian Action Network for $3 million in federal court in Syracuse, seeking to halt the continued publication of his book, “Twilight in America: the Untold Story of Islamic Training Camps in America.” [Amazon]
The book takes aim at Muslims of America with false claims that have put the group’s members in fear of violent attacks from Mawyer’s followers, the lawsuit said. The co-author of the book, Patti Pierucci, is also named as a defendant.


FYI:  This is another example of the Islamic infiltration into all of our institutions.  This program is now used in 80% of Texas schools.  They must be stopped!


John Griffing

There's a new controversy in Texas involving the online public school curriculum called CSCOPE, which already has been the subject of heated debate and state legislative hearings. There are reports now that students were made to wear Muslim burqas as part of their public school lessons.

CSCOPE has been facing criticism over its alleged Islamic and anti-American bias. It is a "curriculum management system" now used in 80 percent of Texas classrooms - and recently was the subject of a heated inquiry that culminated in hearings conducted by the Texas Senate Education Committee chaired by Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston.

According to a joint press release by Sen. Patrick, State Board of Education Chairperson Barbara Cargill and CSCOPE representatives, CSCOPE ultimately agreed to "significant changes," but it is unclear when these changes will take place, and whether or not the pledged cooperation is legally binding or simply to mollify critics.

Inside the Muslim Student Association Conference, Part 1

Last weekend I attended the 15th Annual Muslim Student Association (MSA) West Conference at the University of California campus in the beautiful seaside town of Santa Barbara. A thousand Muslim students flocked to the school for a packed three-day weekend of speaker sessions and workshops on spiritual tools, campus activism, and “institution building,” all with the supervision and support of the American branches of the subversive Muslim Brotherhood.

Terrorism Without End

The reason why the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is doomed can be summed up in a paragraph. The Arab populations left in political limbo when Israel recaptured in 1967 the territory that it had lost to Egypt and Jordan in 1948 exist only as a strategic weapon of disruption. They have been shaped into a population that is defined only by terrorism because that is the purpose that their sponsors put them to. There can be no constructive outcome of the conflict because you cannot negotiate with a weapon.

Israel and the Sad History of Jewish Property Rights

 Benjamin Manaster

After reading Jan Gross’s “Golden Harvest,” the Polish historian’s ground breaking study of the Holocaust, I began to understand what for so long had perplexed me — how it is that so many people feel impelled to weigh in on the affairs of Israel and the Jews.    While murder and mayhem remains a constant in the world, no other nation attracts so much critical attention.  (The United Nations has passed far more resolutions with respect to the state of Israel than the rest of the world combined.) And in a remarkable display of moral hubris, the heirs and descendants of those who extinguished their Jewish populations in the forties have felt themselves entitled to render moral judgment on the survivors and their progeny.

Hollywood used to portray Israelis as heroic and brave. Today, it's films about the brutality of the occupation that make it to the silver screen.


For years, Paul Newman and his blue eyes shaped America's perception of Israel.

Newman starred in Exodus, a 1960 Hollywood blockbuster set in 1947, the final year of the British mandate in Palestine. The film depicts Ari Ben Canaan, played by Newman, as an idealized sabra hero-warrior -- tough, brave, handsome, taciturn, and a lady-killer. Ben Canaan, a leader in the Haganah, the preeminent Jewish paramilitary organization of the time, fought with the British during World War II; but now he is fighting against their policy of limiting the immigration of Jewish refugees from the scorched remains of Hitler's Europe. The film takes its name from the SS Exodus, a leaky boat packed with Holocaust survivors that the British ultimately sent back to Europe. It goes on to recount the story of the establishment of the State of Israel in a mythical narrative, entirely from the Zionist point of view.

The Book of Esther: A Political Analysis

Barry Rubin

The Book of Esther, which is read on Purim and to which that holiday is dedicated, has been interpreted many ways. Yet there is much to be understood by analyzing the story in terms of political ideology and strategy.

Ahasuerus is the powerful king over Persia and much more. He holds a banquet and invites the leaders of all of the provinces to come in order to wield together his diverse empire by showing his wealth, strength, generosity, and bringing together his political elite in terms of fellowship and equality with each other.

While drunk, he orders Queen Vashti to come to the banquet to display herself. She refuses, for unspecified reasons, and his advisors urge him to depose her and select a new queen. A young Jewish woman, Esther, is among the candidates. Urged by her uncle Mordecai, she conceals her religiosity-ethnicity, enters the competition, and eventually wins.

To Kill a Murderer

Sultan Knish

Twenty years ago, Nathan Dunlap walked into a Chuck E. Cheese in Aurora, Colorado. Holmes, the future mass killer who would go on to make Aurora briefly famous after opening fire in a movie theater, was six years old at the time. Just old enough to patronize a Chuck E. Cheese.

Dunlap had been fired from the restaurant in the spring of that year and told a friend that he wanted to get even, go in and take all the money. One cold wintry evening he walked in, put a gun to the head of a 19-year-old girl at the salad bar and pulled the trigger. Then he killed three others and stole $1,591 before being arrested by the police.

More ‘Palestinians’ live in Chicagoland than any other American metropolis

If so, there are likely more Hamas and Hamas-linked Muslims in Chicagoland too.
Little Beitunia – Orland Park, Illinois’ ‘Palestinian’ diaspora.

via More Palestinians live in Chicagoland than any other American metropolis | WBEZ 91.5 Chicago.
Chicagoans are fond of saying that there are more Poles here than anywhere outside of Poland. But ask about Palestinians and you may get a blank stare. As it turns out, there are likely more Palestinian immigrants living in the Chicagoland area than anywhere else in the U.S.
The nexus of Arab American life in the Chicago region is the city’s Southwest suburbs. Bridgeview, the oldest and most established of the area’s Muslim community, is seen as the hub, but the community also extends to neighboring towns like Oak Lawn and Orland Park.

Woodward: Obama Not Telling Truth on Sequester

Paul Scicchitano
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Despite President Obama’s insistence that Republicans are to blame for the coming sequester, The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward maintains that the commander-in-chief need look no further than his own White House if he wants to blame someone.

“The president and (Treasury Secretary Jack) Lew had this wrong,” Woodward penned on Friday. “My extensive reporting for my book 'The Price of Politics' shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks of the federal government.”

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Egyptian Magazine: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration

John Rossomando
An Egyptian magazine claims that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.

The Dec. 22 story published in Egypt's Rose El-Youssef magazine (read an IPT translationhere ) suggests the six turned the White House "from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood."

The story is largely unsourced, but its publication is considered significant in raising the issue to Egyptian readers.

The six named people include: Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

Islamic countries still attempting to stamp out free speech worldwide


via National Secular Society – OIC coming back with another attempt to stamp out free speech.
Getting the go-ahead from the Cairo Islamic Summit, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has been actively trying to get the “denigration of religions” recognized as a criminal offence, according to a top official.
“Next session of the Istanbul Process on Islamophobia will be held in the first half of this year, and the session will squarely focus on the issue of criminalizing denigration of religions,” said Rizwan Saeed Sheikh, director of cultural affairs at the OIC general secretariat and spokesman for the OIC secretary general.
In an interview with the Saudi Gazette, Sheikh underscored the need for transposition of the international law to domestic one to effectively combat Islamophobia, which he claimed is “a contemporary manifestation of racism mainly targeting Islam and Muslims”. He said the OIC seeks establishment of an international observatory, based in Geneva, with a global mandate not only to monitor denigration of Islam but all other religions.

The Ages of Purim

Sultan Knish 
Tonight begins the celebration of the Jewish holiday of Purim commemorating a historical incident of little relevance to the present day, involving a plot to exterminate the Jewish people. It is one of those holidays, that like most Jewish holidays, is inconvenient for liberal clergy because it involves violence and nationalism.

Jewish holidays often make a poor fit with liberal pieties. Three of them end with mass bloodshed, not with reconciliation commissions, suggesting that life is a zero sum game and that those who try to kill you, deserve what's coming to them. There is nothing vague or ephemeral about those holidays, they mark historical events and the constant presence of death as a reality in the lives of men and nations. They testify to a G-d of history who is less concerned with feelings and tolerance, than with justice and truth.