Monday, February 08, 2010

Nazism Déjà Vu

Nurit Greenger

February 7, 2010

Sixty five years ago 7.5Million Jews living in Europe were killed by the Nazis. Yes, 1.5Million “extra” Jews were systematically killed by a one bullet to their head, see: ‘Holocaust toll will rise even higher, says Father Patrick Desbois on trail of Nazi mass-killers’:
The Nazis almost achieved their Final Solution of killing all Jews and cleanse Europe of Jews. After WWII the number of Jews in Europe became scarce. Since the end of World War II Europe’s professed guilt, its multiculturalism rather than nationalism, has allowed replacing the Nazis with Islamonazis and the Nazis work has been revitalized all over Europe. Nowadays, in European countries and cities Muslim persecution and violence is intimidating and is driving the Jews out at a rate unseen since the 1930's. The similarity between the 1930’s and the 2010’s is scary, yet, in Europe, they do not see and deal with this destructive phenomenon. They are still going through the farce of holding official Holocaust Memorial Day ceremonies, nodding at how awful the whole Holocaust ‘thing’ was and are beaming confidently that it can never happen again! In Europe there is senseless, extreme, almost fanatic, tolerance toward Islamonazis, and again, a severe intolerance toward Jews. One European city takes the lead in Islamonazism; threats and harassment are becoming increasingly commonplace for Jewish residents in Malmö in southern Sweden, leading many Jews to leave the city out of fear for their safety: ‘Jews flee Malmö as anti-Semitism grows’

History describes the Nazis as cultured monsters and the Islamonazis and their enablers are described as uncultured and dangerous monsters! The Islamonazis are dangerous to Jews and the rest of the world all the same. First they will go after the Jews and then after everyone else!

The world has learned nothing from WWII; antisemitism is making a strong comeback. Genocides happen everywhere and nothing is done while they happen. On the balance, the vast array of the humanitarian organizations that were created after WW2 have done and are still doing much more harm than good. The United Nations (UN) has proved beyond all doubt that in serving as a means of active intervention or as a voice of conscience, it is not only as useless as its predecessor, the League of Nations, but with very little effort it can actually become the puppet and the representative of the killers themselves. Yet no country in the world has found within its moral compass to cease its membership with this evil and anti-Semitic organization now calls for mockery of its charter as it does not defend human rights but represents, bigotry, despotism, deception and corruption.

The great humanist that rose to be after WWII is now dead!

If anything, the Holocaust should have taught the Jews only one meaningful lesson: you do not expect others to protect your life or your rights; if you do, you are giving them the power to take away your rights or your life, when and as they please.

Foolishly and sadly Jews in Europe and elsewhere have not learned from the Jewish Nation Holocaust wound that will never heal.

Foolishly, sadly and so very painfully frustrating, the State of Israel leadership and many of its people have put themselves into the same familiar position of the Europen Jews who, in the 1930’s, were looking to the authorities to protect them trying to win their favor while complaining about the abuse they suffer, and as a result only sliding further into dependency. This dependency type behavior prevails among Jews in Europe still today.

Today less than 30 years after Israel bombed the Osirak nuclear reactor plant in Iraq, without consulting anyone and without anyone's permission it assumes that it needs American permission to dismantle Iran's nuclear reactors. Israel's alliance with the US has turned most dysfunctional; US leaders act like they are Israel’s proconsuls, demanding that Israel makes endless feast of concessions to appease Islamic terrorists while the Israeli governments, beginning with the Oslo Accords, have come to accept an inferior role in this ‘relations’, taking at face value the vapid and fickle promises that the US will guarantee its security. Further more, Israel’s leadership, is acting like the door mat of the entire world and instead of taking the gloves off, they are standing silence to bashing, anti-Zionism sentiments and the on going undermining and ridiculing of the state.

If the State of Israel does not break this pathetic apathy and dependency cycle, it will be destroyed.

The only way the State of Israel can survive is if it finally realizes that its people and its soldiers are the only human beings who can protect it and only those who dictate the terms of their own protection and destiny are truly free people!

No one, especially Jews, should fool themselves that the Holocaust cannot happen once again and the air is already carrying the early smell of burning ovens…


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