Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Typical day in news stories I receive regarding "religion of peace"

GS Don Morris, Ph.D.

These are only a sample of the articles I receive 7 days a week-I vet 90% of them every day-from time to time one gets by me as somewhat skeptical.  My point is that the West might want to examine some long held beliefs-this is all that I ask:

Hassan Rouhani, In His Own Words

California Catholic school to drop Robert Spencer from conference -- or else

Germany: Muslim threatens people with knives while holding Qur'an and shouting "Allahu akbar"

Pakistan: Jihad-martydom suicide bomber murders 27 at funeral

Iraq: Sunni jihad-martyrdom suicide bombers murder 31 at Shi'ite mosque

Nigeria: Islamic jihadists murder eleven in attack on school

The Calm Before the Jihadi Storm     

As you can read this is not representative of isloated incidents nor are they demonstrative of a "few extremists".  One can continue with this type of narrative as the bodies multiply, as countries fall to Sharia Law-Docstalk will continue to share a different narrative, one based upon sound and reliable reporting by reputable sources that are vetted. The intention of my work is obvious-now, many will do the following to divert your attention and mine: name call, invalidate me as a person with terms like islamophobic, rascist, bigot and worse. Of course Islam is improprerly called a race so right away you sense with whom you are dealing.  These are standard tactics used by our enemies for decades-the only shift is in the target and the moneies behind those who perpetrate such ignorance and frankly lies.

All the best

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