Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ramon: Recognition of a Jewish state important as it means no right of return

From Arab media:

NAZARETH, (PIC)-- Israeli vice Premier Haim Ramon stressed that Palestinian recognition of Israel as a "Jewish state" is important as it means dropping the right of return of millions of refugees who were uprooted from their homes and land sixty years ago. "The recognition is important because it is part of the Palestinian recognition that the solution to the Palestinian refugee problem is the return of the refugees to a Palestinian state," Ramon told ambassadors of the EU on Thursday afternoon, according to Israeli radio on Friday.
He was also reported as saying: "A Palestinian state is the solution for the Palestinian refugees, just like Israel was the solution for the Jewish refugee problem."
The PA presidency and the unconstitutional government of Fayyad are calling for negotiating the Palestinian refugee problem and resolving it in a "just and agreed upon manner," without a mention of the right of return in accordance with natural rights and UN resolutions.
This has stirred fears in the Palestinian street that the PA President and his unconstitutional government are on their way to giving up the right of millions of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and land. If they do, the majority of Palestinians would condemn them.

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