Thursday, November 15, 2007

Terror Stabbing Victim Undergoes Emergency Operation

A man from Moshav Porat, southeast of Netanya, is listed in moderate and stable condition after being stabbed in an apparent Arab terrorist attack late this morning (Thursday). The man, in his 30s, was transported to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, where he underwent an operation that doctors described as successful. Hospital sources say he was stabbed all over his body, and is being treated in the general emergency ward.
Police say it is becoming increasingly clearer that this was a terrorist attack, and are searching for the attacker - a resident of Palestinian Authority-controlled areas who was employed by the Israeli victim.
The stabbed man was attacked as he was working in the fields of Moshav Porat, not far from three Israeli-Arab towns: Taibe, Tira, and Kalansua.
Kassams, Hevron, Bedouin Murderer
Shortly afterwards, a Kassam rocket landed in Sderot, damaging two cars and, according to some reports, a house. An hour later, yet another rocket was fired at the Negev, sending some people into shock and causing damage to a potato processing plant. Two other Kassams were fired at the Negev earlier today.
IDF forces attacked a Kassam rocket launching cell shortly after the latest rocket attack, killing two terrorists.

An Arab-Palestinian terrorist carrying a knife was arrested in Hevron this afternoon, near the Jewish residential building Beit Romano.

This morning, a Bedouin teenager was sentenced to life in prison plus three years for his brutal murder of an 18-year-old Jewish girl ten months ago. The victim, Maayan Ben-Horin, lived in Moshav Yuvalim in the Galilee; the murderer first attempted to rape her, then repeatedly battered her head with a rock. Though the Bedouin murderer was a minor at the time of the crime, Judge Shmuel Berliner wrote, "Let every minor know that for horrific actions such as these, he will have no protection from the maximum punishment... This barbaric action cries out in its severity and is astonishing in the inconceivable ease with which a shepherd from a normative family, with no prior problems with the law, carries it out."

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