US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice last week harshly criticized former US President Jimmy Carter for his attempt to bring the Hamas terror group into the mainstream by insisting that Israel must negotiate with them. Mr. Carter clearly deserved the criticism, but Ms. Rice is no less deserving of criticism for pushing Israel to make ever more suicidal concessions to the allegedly moderate PA led by Mahmoud Abbas. Since assuming power from his mentor Yasser Arafat, terror organizations affiliated to Abbas' PLO umbrella organization have committed more attacks against Israel than Hamas and all the other “palestinian” terror groups combined. The "moderate" Mr. Abbas' own "Presidential" Guards even attempted an assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert late last year, and Mr. Abbas recently publicly reinforced his policy of only recognizing the State of Israel if it has an Arab majority population.
The only difference between Hamas and the PLO/PA is that Abbas says a few meaningless words about "peace" in English whereas Hamas does not engage in this charade.
Israeli Generals are on record in the past few days saying that the removal of checkpoints - the ones that Rice is demanding be removed - will certainly lead to Jewish deaths at the hands of Arab terrorists. Disgracefully, the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and his equally pathetic colleague, the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, have agreed to remove these checkpoints in order to curry some temporary favor with the ever more Arabist-leaning US government led by the lame-duck President George Bush and by Secretary Rice.
Additionally, the Israeli government gladly further pacified Rice and Bush this week by destroying the Chazon David synagogue in Hebron . The destruction of this synagogue is particularly symbolic, as it was named after two Jews (David Cohen and Chezi Mualem) who were murdered by Arab terrorists in 2001.
Jewish blood is not as cheap as Olmert, Barak, Rice and Bush think it is. Those that risk Jewish lives in order to hand the "good terrorist" Mahmoud Abbas a terror state of his own in Biblically-Jewish Judea and Samaria should not be leading the State of Israel or the United States.
The consequences for Israel of continuing to have leaders who are so willing to give up its sovereignty will be cataclysmic.
The consequences for America of continuing to have leaders who refuse to differentiate between good and evil - while theoretically fighting a "war on terror" - are no less potentially cataclysmic.
Unfortunately for freedom-loving people throughout the world, all of the candidates to become the next President of the United States belong to the same exclusive foreign policy think tank as Bush, Rice, Bill Clinton, Bush Sr. and Carter. As such, we can expect the next US President - whoever it is - to continue the same policies of fighting certain "evil" terrorists in one part of the Middle East while pressuring Israel to cede its precious divinely-given land and thereby its very existence to "moderate" terrorists.
The lessons that the terrorists have learned and continue to learn from this lack of clarity and fortitude demonstrated by the alleged leader of the world - the United States - may become very painful for millions of American citizens.
The Bush/Rice policy - supported by the Israeli government (which is devoid of Jewish values) - of turning a blind eye to the fact that the Land of Israel is the sole possession of the Jewish people will eventually blow up in their faces.
Fifty-nine Muslim countries is enough compared to one Jewish country.
The solution to peace in the Middle East - and by extension, in the world - is not one of negotiations, but it is one of recognizing the inherent rights of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel.
The Manhigut Yehudit website is
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