Sunday, May 11, 2008

Islamic nations launch "Islamophobia Observatory"

If İhsanoğlu really wants to rectify Islam's image, he should start by rectifying things like this. But instead, he and the OIC continue to pretend that any concerns non-Muslims may have over an Islamic cleric proclaiming that "we will rule the world, as has been said by the Prophet Muhammad" are simply manifestations of "Islamophob
Add Imageia." That in itself reveals a great deal about the real agenda of İhsanoğlu and the OIC. "OIC endeavoring to rectify Muslim image," from Today's Zaman, May 10 (thanks to Twostellas):

Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Secretary-General Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu has stated that a project called the Islamophobia Observatory has been launched in order to eliminate the worldwide waves of fear of Islam.

İhsanoğlu cited the commonsensical intellectual reaction of the Danish public following cartoons published in the country that were critical of Islam as one of the important successes of the project. "We presented a report on Islamophobia at the first summit we held with the CEOs and civil society organizations we are in touch with. It has sparked very positive reactions and spread across Europe in a short time. Publications have praised the initiative. We have seen both support of and opposition to the initiative, but [all in all] it has created very positive reactions," he said.

İhsanoğlu visited the Zaman Media Group on Thursday and briefed editors and columnists on OIC projects. Stating that the foremost target was to eradicate prejudice and fear of Islam, İhsanoğlu noted that there were groups in favor of the projects and also those disturbed by them. An OIC report on Islamophobia has seriously disconcerted Americans and Europeans, he said, adding: "The report has started to pay off. Let me give you an example: The cartoons published in Denmark and a short film, named 'Fitna' and released last month, if you look at the attitudes of the Danish prime minister, the media and civil society organizations, they are all very different from one another. So far, in these three-and-a-half years we have managed to get the UN General Assembly and Geneva make very important decisions. In the meantime the European group was left alone. We have gathered significant support from our own group in Asia, Africa and Latin America. A special rapporteur has been assigned [to track] the denigration and hatred campaigns against religions, and this person will write up reports on the issue."

He stressed that the OIC has not yet reached the place it set out for, but that it has covered a remarkable distance in comparison to previous years and that there were very positive changes between the scene in 2005 and today. "This is only the beginning. We still have a long way to go. But there is a foreign ministers' meeting in Kampala ahead of us. Things will be better then," he said.

Pointing out that there were some negative developments in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks with the influence of some lobbies, İhsanoğlu remarked that US officials were also endeavoring to eliminate these negativities.

Commenting on the visit, the secretary-general said: "The US is sending us a message at this point. 'We want to be on good terms with the OIC,' they implicitly say." İhsanoğlu also said US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had spoken with him to say that President Bush wanted to assign a special envoy to oversee US relations with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). A very accomplished US citizen of Pakistani origin has already been chosen for this role. "This person achieved a great many things during Bush's term as governor of Texas. Before the summit, he spoke with me. This shows that the entire world and the EU are closely interested in our organization. We have advanced since I took office," he said....
Thanks Jihad Watch

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