Sunday, June 15, 2008

New, Simpler Bank Fees to Take Effect

Hillel Fendel

Israel's Supervisor of Banks has revealed a new schedule of bank fees designed to simplify - if not cheapen - the process of paying them.

As of July 1, most bank customers will have to deal with only two monthly fees, instead of eleven. Normal account transactions carried out by a teller will cost between 5.5 and 7 shekels, while internet or phone transactions will range from 1.35 to 2.9 shekels.

Each bank has published its own rates, with Bank Leumi and Bank HaPoalim featuring the cheapest ones. The banks say they may lower the rates in accordance with market trends. Roni Hizkiyahu, Bank of Israel's Supervisor of Banks, announced the new rates at a press conference Sunday morning. "The new schedule is a revolution and a historic stage for bank consumers," he said. "This is the first time that there is such a law that gives tools to consumers in their struggle for better conditions vis-a-vis the banks."

Bank of Israel retains the authority to control the fee rates, "and we intend to use this if the competition doesn't work," Hizkiyahu said.

Average monthly payments for bank services are expected to drop slightly, from an average of 24.5 shekels to 24. Monthly credit card fees will also become simpler, being unified into one single fee ranging from 8 to 14 shekels.

Israeli bank consumers are not alone in their problems with the financial institutions that control their money supply. The United States' Government Accountability Office recently reported that consumers "may find it difficult to obtain information about checking and savings account fees," after its own staff investigators, shopping undercover at banks, couldn't get fee and other account details at more than a third of the bank branches they visited. In Britain, "unfair bank charges have been imposed on millions of people," and "customers who have been charged up to L40 for unauthorised overdrafts, bounced cheques, or failed direct debits are fighting back against bank charges."
Comment on This Story
Comment: I am pleased with this first step-as one who constantly pays the existing nonsense fees, this is a welcomed step.

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