Friday, June 12, 2009

Israel, Jews and friends of Israel: Change our lexicon‏


We, Israelis and Jews must fast change our lexicon. There are no ‘territories’ and it is not ‘West Bank’; it is Judea and Samaria like Galil and Shomron and Negev. There are no ‘settlements’; it is Israeli villages, towns or it is Jewish-Israeli hometowns where Israelis live like they live in Tel Aviv, Haifa, or Eilat. And there are no ‘Palestinians’; they are Arabs. Their ancestors entered Israel as Arabs and Arabs they shall remain. This assumed glorified name ‘Palestinians’ does not apply to them or belongs to them. And there is no ‘Palestine’, a name the Romans gave the Land to disparage and contempt it and try driving the Jews affinity away from their homeland and it is a name the British adopted and was finally dropped and replaced by the beautiful name: The State of Israel.

If we address it all correctly and by correcting others, our lexicon may catch on. Right now, who ever invented these tagging insidious ‘territories” and ‘Settlements’ and 'Palestine' names have won and made it Israel’s Achilles Hill.

Comment: At the very least these are disputed territories according to International Law. Although the media, pundits and even the Israeli government uses or have used "settlements" as a descriptor does not diminish the rule of law. Frankly, these terms have become powerful and effective political weapons. Well, time to tell the truth, speak the truth and that time is now. I have had well known writers tell me that they "must" use these terms if they want their broader messages to be published-sorry, I do not accept this appeasement to a form of literary blackmail. Step up, join us who are indeed changing the public discourse.>

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