Monday, June 15, 2009

BUY ISRAELI PRODUCTS during the month of JUNE‏

JUNE IS A TIME TO BUY ISRAELI PRODUCTS at your local markets!! Why?

Because anti-Israel groups are planning boycotts of U.S. markets carrying Israeli products.
They are planning a blitz on June 20th. They have targeted Trader Joes, as well as other markets.

What can you do? BUY ISRAELI PRODUCTS this month more than ever, of course!!

Buy them for yourselves, and buy products as gifts. Show Trader Joes that there is another voice that
loves Israeli products and appreciates Trader Joes for offering them to us.
Show your local markets that they make the right decision to stock their shelves
with Israeli made products. Go out of your way to ASK for Israeli products. Trader Joe's Pittsburgh kicked them out last week. Here is the story:

On June 8, 2009, a group of anti-Israel protestors entered a Trader Joe's market in Pittsburgh, PA wearing tee-shirts reading "Boycott Israel" on one side and "Free Palestine" on the other. They created a scene in the market by "de-shelving" all Israeli products, disrupted business, confronted shoppers by aggressively voicing anti-Israel propaganda, and handed out anti-Israel flyers. Trader Joe's told them to leave the store on the grounds that they were trespassing and threatened to call the police.

THE BOYCOTT DIVESTMENT SANCTIONS (BDS) CAMPAIGN has designated Saturday, June 20, 2009 as "World Refugee Day". The following is from their site:

"We are planning a kick-off action: Saturday, June 20th--World Refugee Day. We invite you to organize in your community and deshelve, sticker, boycott, and protest the presence of Israeli products until Israel complies with international law and human rights standards!"

We have just read a copy of the letter that you are about to receive from the South Bay Mobilization group, which encourages you to isolate Israel and punish it for the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

Unfortunately, you are the new target of anti-Israel activist groups, who continue a propaganda campaign against Israel and distort facts to persuade merchants and others to boycott Israel. Such policies echo those that Arab countries have had since well before Israel's rebirth in 1948, and they also encourage and strengthen extremists who continue to undermine the peace process.

We note that the letter is a one-sided and self-serving view of the conflict. For example, there is nothing that describes the relentless terrorism coming from the variety of radical Palestinian groups surrounding Israel, including Iran-backed Hamas and Hezbollah, and fundamentalist groups like Islamic Jihad. We notice that their letter does not refer to Hamas, whose founding document calls for the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel and which has caused the major problems for those who dream of peace in the region.

Also not mentioned in the letter, is the fact that Israel is only the size of New Jersey, and the terrorist groups surround it and continue to launch rockets from Gaza into Israel while calling for the ethnic cleansing of the Jewish people (check their founding documents, you can find them online).

What is mentioned in their letter is historically inaccurate, including issues about "stealing Palestinian land" and the building of the "segregation wall." It’s important to note that Jews have been in the region for over 3,000 years – all the archeology points to this fact – and the Palestinian Arabs never had a country in the region. While there are Palestinians who dream of peace and a better life for their children, the Palestinian leadership has never agreed to compromises that would have created two states, and they have tried to destroy Israel instead. Simply put, any negotiations that Israel has with the Palestinians will result in the creation of a new Palestinian/Arab state, not a reconstitution of a former entity. It is also important to note that the "segregation wall" is simply a security fence, which was built in response to the campaign of suicide bombings and terrorism launched by Palestinian leadership in 2000. The fence has helped reduce suicide bombings by almost 100 percent.

While Israel certainly is not perfect, no amount of propaganda can convince well-informed people that Israel is arbitrarily attacking its neighbors for sport.

We have always loved shopping at Trader Joes because you clearly have not allowed yourselves to be censored by political prejudice but rather offer an array of products that reflect the various tastes of your patrons. We salute you for standing clear of political pressure and maintaining your integrity and neutrality.

Thank you,

The Board and Staff of StandWithUs


Anonymous said...

I know TJs carries Israeli Feta Cheese. What else- anyone know? I know that my stomach problem routinely supports Israel because my generic stomach medication taken 2 x a day is made in Israel

Shopping at TJ's tomorrow to support Israel!


GS Don Morris, Ph.D./Chana Givon said...


Thank you and please invite friends and family to also go shopping-all the best-doc