Monday, June 15, 2009

TEXT-Highlights from Netanyahu speech

June 14 (Reuters)--Following are highlights from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's keynote speech on Sunday about peace prospects with the Palestinians.

Translation from the Hebrew is by Reuters:


"The territory in Palestinian hands must be demilitarised--in other words, without an army, without control of airspace, and with effective security safeguards...

A fundamental condition for ending the conflict is the Palestinians recognising—verbally, honestly, bindingly...--that Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people.

If we receive this undertaking, for demilitarisation and the security arrangements required by Israel, and if the Palestinians recognise Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people, we will be prepared for a true peace agreement, to reach a solution of a demilitarised Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state. WEST BANK SETTLEMENTS

We have no intention of building new settlements or of expropriating land for new settlements. But there is a need to allow settlers to lead normal lives, to allow mothers and fathers to raise their children like all families around the world.


The Palestinian refugee problem must be resolved outside the borders of the state of Israel. On this, there is a broad international consensus.

I believe that with goodwill, and international investment, this humanitarian problem can be solved once and for all.


Many a worthy person has told us that withdrawal is the key to peace between us and the Palestinians...But the fact is that every withdrawal has been accompanied by rockets and suicide attacks.

That claim purporting that withdrawal will bring peace with the Palestinians, or at least bring it closer, has so far not been borne out in practice.


Israel needs defensible borders and Israel's capital, Jerusalem, will remain united.


They must be decide between the way of peace and the way of Hamas. The Palestinian Authority must impose law and order ... and overcome Hamas. Israel will not negotiate with terrorists trying to destroy it.


I appeal, from here this evening, to the leaders of the Arab states and say: Let's meet. Let's talk peace. Let's make peace. I am willing to meet with you any time, any place—in Damascus, in Riyadh, in Beirut."

(Writing by Dan Williams; Editing by Alastair Macdonald and Jon Boyle) (For blogs and links on Israeli politics and other Israeli and Palestinian news, go to

Guest Comments: Another Crushing Defeat for Obama, This Courtesy of Netanyahu

By John W. Lillpop

Welcome to the big leagues, Barack Obama!

After being whiplashed by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's upset victory in Iran on Saturday, President Obama was subjected to further abuse by Binyamin Netanyahu of Israel.

As reported, in part, at

"Binyamin Netanyahu tonight endorsed the creation of a Palestinian state after weeks of pressure from Washington, but defied President Obama's demand for a halt to all settlements. In a high-profile speech that the Palestinian administration of Mahmoud Abbas said "hobbles all efforts to save the peace process", the Israeli Prime Minister said that the Palestinians must recognise Israel as a "Jewish state" and that any future Palestinian state had to be demilitarised.

“If we have the guarantees on demilitarisation and if the Palestinians recognise Israel as the state of the Jewish people, then we arrive at a solution based on a demilitarised Palestinian state alongside Israel,” Mr. Netanyahu said.

“The Palestinian territory will be without arms, will not control air space, will not be able to have arms enter, without the possibility of striking alliances with Iran or [Lebanese Shia militia] Hezbollah."

"Mr. Netanyahu also ruled out a complete halt to settlement activity and said that Palestinian refugees dating from the 1948 creation of Israel, and their descendants, would not be resettled inside Israel’s borders."

Hooray for Netanyahu for standing up to Barack Obama in order to advance Israel's best interests.

If only the US Congress would do the same for the American people!

John W. Lillpop

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