Thursday, June 04, 2009

Too Many Jews

Gary Bauer

What is the biggest threat to peace in the Middle East? Most of us would cite Islamofascism and death worshipping groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. But to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Jewish homes and babies are the real problem.

Nearly 300,000 Israelis live in communities of Judea and Samaria, or "the West Bank" as it is often referred to. These are not "outposts" or "settlements," as Big Media and assorted commentators label them.

They are Israeli "hometowns." In these communities, young Israelis marry, start households and have babies. Nine thousand six hundred babies were born in Judea and Samaria in the most recent year and these growing families need housing. But when President Obama met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month, he told the prime minister that the U.S. wanted no more housing built in Judea and Samaria. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a few days later made it clear that there were no exceptions—not even for so-called "natural growth"—those pesky new Israeli families and their newborn babies.

Of course, the real goal here is even more disgusting. Obama/Clinton intend to browbeat Israel into turning Judea/Samaria over to a new Palestinian state and for that to happen the land has to be "Jew free." Yes, you read that right. Remember Gaza? Every Jew was forced out for the simple reason that any Jew left behind would have been killed almost immediately. Gaza is now one big terror training camp, but that hasn't stopped the anti-Israel crowd from pushing the same idea in Judea and Samaria.

Forcing an entire ethnic group to leave a geographic area and denying them housing is called "ethnic cleansing" and it is a war crime. But that is where Obama is headed, while too many "friends" of Israel in Congress
and elsewhere stand by in silence. It is way past time for American Jews and pro-Israel Christians to speak up.

Thanks Nurit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a very critical time in Jewish history; yet too many Jews have been comfortably assimilated in American society; they feel very confident about their present status of prosperity. They are now emotionally distant from Zionist sentiments of their parent's & grandparent's generation.

Personally, as a 61 yr. od Reform Jewish F.; I find the level of anti-semetism very strong here in USA. I think if some of these gentrified Jewish young people were to listen to what some of their polite Protestant neighbors are saying about them, they would not feel so smug. As soon as I hear the subject of Israel being discussed by "polite" gentiles, I've noticed how quickly it runs over the boundaries of the Gaza & back here, to comments like: they are so powerful, they control Hollywood & TV; etc, etc.

I have concerns this is a repeat of Weimer Republic in 1930's Germany. Yes, IT CAN happen here! To my fellow Jews, I impolore you KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Forget your stereotypes of neighbors at the "Big-Mega Churches, the Evangelicals". Try treating their friendship w/respect they deserve, and maybe this sad situation will be balanced & reversed. J Street is NOT the answer! Jews need to realize they need good friends to survive. And they should not be biased against evangelicals, who are supporting Israel so strongly, and warm heartedly -- again, we can not win alone. J. Street is a cowardly approach that smacks of Jewish anti-semetism. Today Obama spoke in Egypt, the subject was peace in middle east conflict. Did Obama, in his speech, speak of Israel's right to exist AS A JEWISH state? He seems quite tilted towards the Muslim community these days.