Babushka is in Israel for the Holy Festive Month of Tishrei (have you noticed the media is always very careful to mention "The Holy Fasting Month of Ramadan" in order not to offend the Muslims, but they never mention "The Holy Festive Month of Tishrei" to respect the Jews. Why is that? What about you, Christians? Shouldn't the media refer to December as "The Holy Month of the Savior's Birth"?) But I digress.
Babushka traveled from Tzfat, in the Galilee, all the way down to Jerusalem, passing many, many settlements (built by Arabs in Israel). Today's AP photo stream featured the following stock photo and whining caption: A Palestininan boy sits in the yard of his house, back-dropped by a new housing development in the Jewish neighborhood of Har Homa in east Jerusalem, Monday, Sept. 21, 2009. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won't bend on his opposition to a settlement freeze when he meets President Barack Obama and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in New York, a top aide said Monday. AP Photo.
What the AP photo stream is attempting to do, is to show all the fancy new homes being build for Jews, while the pitiful, impoverished miserable Palestinian lives in a crappy yard with outdated computer monitors piled up next to used furniture.
What AP photo stream doesn't show you is the house that goes with this yard. The house may look something like this:
There are literally hundreds of these luxury villas, all Arab-owned, all in "apartheid" neighborhoods in Israel where no Jew may set foot. Jews do not live in such housing, not in the "settlements" and not within the Green Line, apart from some millionaire celebrities. But these Arab mansions can be seen all over the place except in the media, which wants you to believe that all the Palestinians are poor and miserable. But even poor and miserable people suffering in poverty do not have computer monitors piled up in their backyards (one must conclude that all the computers in the house are equipped with the latest flat-screens). In fact very few Jews in Israel even have backyards.
Tomorrow Babushka will visit Mea Shearim, and describe how the Jews live. Their houses are never shown in the media.
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