Wednesday, August 11, 2010

6 Reasons You Won't See Any Photos of an Anti-Hamas Electricity Rally

Honest Reporting

AFP reports that Hamas police violently broke up a protest against electricity cuts. Here are six reasons you won't see any wire photos of this:

1. Hamas only allows journalists to cover anti-Israel vigils.

2. Identifying photo credits would endanger the photographer, and threaten access for his or her news agency. 3. Free lance photographers who lack the support of a news agency aren't going to place their careers and freedom at risk.

4. Any photographer tipped off ahead of time would risk being associated with the PFLP, which organized the rally.

5. Using stock photos of anti-Israel electricity protests is closer to Big Media's group think that everything's Israel's fault anyway.

6. Burying the coverage obviates the need for images anyway.

Comment: It is past time to re-visit the question of how does the world get the news from the disputed Judea and Samaria territories and Gaza. This blog provided initial insight long ago and it is time to disclose the process-again. It is no wonder that the world is not getting factual information.

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