Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Tundra Tabloids

Finland's AI chairman Frank Johansson:
Oh I've been to Israel and deem it a scum state.

Writing on his blog over at the Finnish tabloid paper, Iltalehti, the chairman of Finnish Amnesty International took to calling Israel a "scum state" while recounting a visit he had with his friend who lives there.

Frank Johansson:

"A friend of mine who works in Israel, was visiting while piling wood in the shed, we got into his favourite topic. Several years of residence in the holy country, he has come to the conclusion that "Israel is a scum state". On the basis of my own visit, which occurred during the 1970s and 1990s for the final time, I agree." So this "human rights" activist who chairs Finland's AI branch of the international organization, which is supposedly a non-biased, impartial organization, labeled Israelis....scum. The man is a bigot, and an anti-Semite. Would Johansson ever dare to write publically about Saudi Arabia, or any other Muslim nation as a "scum state", or does he, as many other "human rights" organizations do, take aim at Israel, just because he thinks he can get away with it?

This dispels the notion that Amnesty International (especially in Filand) is an impartial human rights organization as long as sentiments such as Frank Johansson is allowed to go unanswered by that parent organization.
Another point worth noticing, is that Johansson makes that obvious biased, bigoted statement out in the open, without a care in the world that he would be held accountable in the Finnish speaking media and blogosphere.

Well guess what bozo, thanks to Vasarahammer and the Tundra Tabloids, your bigoted and anti-Semitic statement has made it to the English speaking world. KGS

H/T: Vasarahammer

NOTE: This situation is entirely like the situation nine years ago when former French ambassador to the UK, Daniel Bernard's anti-Semitic stated that Israel is that "shitty little country".

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