Monday, August 23, 2010

Doctors Without Borders out of INTEGRITY-shameful behavior!

The Chief Operational Officer,
Medecins Sans Frontiers
Australian Office
New York Office

Dear Sir/Madam

When my daughter wed in July 2006, in lieu of gifts she asked for donations to be made to Doctors without Borders / Medecins Sans Frontiers as our family had always supported the Group.

Well, I have a regret.

I've just read a presentation by Alan Dershowitz - which you too should read and think about.

Doctors Without Borders erected borders when it comes to Israeli doctors who flew to the Congo to treat 50 local villagers who had been severely burned. he Israeli volunteers worked around the clock, treated the burn victims and trained local doctors to perform skin grafts, and donated tons of medical equipment.

But Doctors Without Borders refused to work with the Israeli medics and para medics and treated them "as though we were occupiers." - quoted one Israeli medic.

Dr. Marie Pierre Allie, President of the French branch of the organization, said that Israel's self defense actions in Gaza were actually worse than the Darfur genocide in the Sudan.

Only a blind moonbat could even make such a comparison!

MSF has an apparent problem with one democratic Jewish State but is quite at ease with the existence and actions of 56 dysfunctional & corrupt Islamic states.

As one critic has put it well, "These are Doctors With Borders - but without scruples."

Perhaps you may wish to check out . - or just Google <"Doctors without Borders" Israel> and you will get more confirmation of the reactions around the world.

My family will no longer donate to Doctors without Borders
( Medecins sans Frontiers) until this cynical, hateful and bitter culture towards Israel - which obviously emanates from the top, ceases.

I shall disseminate this email as widely as I can and shall ask recipients to forward it on also.

Yours sincerely,
George Greenberg
Melbourne Australia


Doctors Without Borders said...

Doctors Without Borders Statement of Clarification Regarding Collaboration with Israeli Doctors in Eastern Congo and Its Intervention in the Palestinian Territories

Posted July 29, 2010

ShomerIsrael said...

According to the response of DWB this story is totally untrue. If that is the case then I suspect there is someone out there trying to cause problems where none exist.