Saturday, January 15, 2011

HuffPost uses Rep. Giffords as a political prop to falsely accuse conservatives, Sarah Palin of inciting shooter


In the wake of the Jan. 8 shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others, Americans of good will came together to unconditionally condemn this savage violence, and pray for the victims and their loved ones.

HUFF-WATCH's latest report, however reveals that The Huffington Post --- the #1 most-read blog on Earth, and one of America's top ten news sites --- decided to use Rep. Giffords, 9 year old Christina Green* and all the other victims of this tragedy as a political props in an unforgivably ghoulish stunt, to subversively advance its radical leftist political agenda.

(*This is not the first time HuffPost has decided to re-victimize a 9 year old girl; see what it did to Hodoya Imes, after her parents were murdered by Hamas.) Specifically, the evidence in our four-part report shows that:

PART 1: In the critical 12 hours of the tragedy, HuffPost strung together a narrative that falsely, subtly blamed Sarah Palin and conservatives, including the Tea Party, for this tragedy --- even though it had reason to know what it was doing was wrong.

PART 2: HuffPost pathologically ignored a plethora of vital facts that contradicted the false narrative it strung together, that far smaller blogs were reporting at the time. Chief among these facts are:

* While the shooter was clearly suffering from mental illness, to the extent that he was motivated by the rhetoric of a political ideology, it was primarily from the radical left --- not conservatism, or the Tea Party. (Section 1)

* Two days prior to the shooting, one of Rep. Giffords' constituents, an article writer at the radical leftist Daily Kos, published an article entitled "My Congresswoman is DEAD to me!!!" (Section 2)

* HuffPost trumpeted Sarah Palin's use of a a "target map" that referenced Rep. Giffords' district, yet completely ignored the fact that prominent Democratic organizations --- and the Daily Kos --- had used similar "target maps" against Republicans since at least June 2008. (Section 3)

PART 3: Several days later, instead of accepting that its false narrative was collapsing, HuffPost doubled-down on its "jihad" against Sarah Palin, conservatives and the Tea Party, which continues to this day (Jan. 14). This "jihad" consists of a body of critical acts and omissions, including:

* Downplaying the fact that Rep. Giffords is Jewish (in contrast to HuffPost's blaring headlines when it is libeling Jews/Israel), and serious speculation that anti-Semitism was a partial motivation for the attack (Section 1)

* Completely ignoring President Obama's violence-laden rhetoric (Section 2)

* The fact that the shooter's apparent obsession with Rep. Giffords goes back to 2007 (Section 5)

* Posting a false headline that claimed Roger Ailes only told Fox News Channel personnel to "tone down the rhetoric" --- implying that FNC was accepting responsibility for inciting the shooting --- when in fact its own story showed he urged all media people to do so. (Section 7)

* Publishing a lie-filled article by Robert Kennedy, Jr., blaming JFK's assassination --- and the Arizona shootings --- on "right wing hatred and violence" (Section 8)

* Publishing an article by its Entertainment Reporter entitled, "Sarah Palin's Jewish Problem," when, as our friends at HuffPostMonitor point out, it has a far bigger "Jewish Problem" itself

PART 4: HuffPost unleashed and protected its radical leftist users to violate its Comment Policy at will --- and its Moderators to censor and block conservative users who attempted to post comments containing vital truth. Specifically:

* We obtained one screencap (right) that clearly shows a conservative user had claimed a fact that contradicted HuffPost's narrative, in response to another user's malicious libel. HuffPost removed that comment, after other users had replied to it, asking for proof of the assertion. (Section 2)

* Some of the hate-filled comments HuffPost allowed it reviewed, approved and decided to publish by its radical leftist users include (Section 4):

- Allegations of bestiality against Sarah Palin, and of pedophelia against Rush Limbaugh

- A claim that "Mrs. Palin is guilty of murder... and should be run down"

- A claim by a HuffPost Moderator: "Rot you poisonous bitch... hope you choke..."

These facts support our contention that HuffPost's "jihad" against Sarah Palin has strongly contributed to what is reported to be a dramatic increase in the number of death threats against her.

Read the complete report:

Part 1: HuffPost's initial reports on the AZ shooting falsely point finger at Sarah Palin, Tea Party, conservatives

Part 2: All the critical evidence that HuffPost ignored in the critical first 12 hours, to construct its false narrative

Part 3: HuffPost, finding its false narrative collapsing, doubles- down on its "jihad" against Palin, et al

Part 4: HuffPost unleashes, protects rabid leftist users --- and suppresses users who try to post the truth

Addendum: HuffPost's long, documented history of engaging in "jihads" against others it considers to be enemies

"But didn't HuffPost's coverage of this event largely mirror that of many journalists in the mainstream media? And didn't they ignore these same things?"

The answer is yes, and yes. But HuffPost, according to Arianna Huffington, its co-founder and Editor-In-Chief, has higher journalistic standards and principles than the mainstream news media, whom she recently scolded:

“[T]oo many reporters have forgotten that the highest calling of journalists is to ferret out the truth, consequences be damned.”

Further, HuffPost's former CEO described its journalistic approach as "[C]overing the news with... new ideas about balance and fairness."

And according to Huffington, from 2005 onward, HuffPost's more professional approach to balance and fairness is based on her repeated claims that it is a "nonpartisan" news entity, and caters neither to the left nor the right:

“We do news. I don't believe news is left wing or right wing."
- May 6, 2005

“The editorial stance of the Huffington Post is to debunk the right-left way of thinking, which has become completely obsolete."
- November 14, 2007

“[W]e are increasingly seen ... as an Internet newspaper, not positioned ideologically in terms of how we cover the news.”
- May 22, 2009

Presumably, all these claims also play a vital role in helping HuffPost to acquire contracts with so many big-league advertisers.

The facts contained in this report lay waste to all of Huffington's claims and supposed standards. They also reveal the depths to which she and the crack team of 53 "editors" she directs were willing to sink, in order to turn reality on its head, to shamelessly exploit --- for political purposes and profit --- one of the darkest days in American political history.

HuffPost's long, documented history of engaging in "jihads" against other opponents

Please see this post for detailed information on How HuffPost has:

* Engaged in "jihads" against conservative individuals & organizations, the Tea Party, the U.S. military,* and Israel and Jews

* Knowingly enabling and protecting even its Moderators to post open, explicit threats and solicitations of murder of notable public figures who, collectively, comprise these "enemies"

A call for action

There are only two things that enable HuffPost to engage in this activity: the silence of "journalists," and HuffPost's roster of big-dollar advertisers.

You can help to hold HuffPost to account for its acts and omissions via the following Action Steps:

Action Steps: If, after reading this article, you find yourself shocked, disgusted and gravely concerned at what HuffPost does, incites and tolerates, please consider taking the following action steps:

(1) Make your voice known to HuffPost's senior management and investors here.

(2) Write or call one or more of HuffPost's top advertisers, to let them know your thoughts on what their ad dollars are enabling.

(3) Forward the link to this article to others that you think should be aware of it.

Continue to Part 1: HuffPost's initial reports on the AZ shooting falsely point finger at Sarah Palin, Tea Party, conservatives

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