It’s come to this. The junior partner in the Norwegian government, the Socialist Left Party of Kristin Halvorsen, (Sosialistisk Venstreparti), plans to vote on a measure calling for military action against Israel if it decides to act against the Hamas in Gaza. Norway, Israel and the Jews blog informs the Tundra Tabloids of the following:
NOTE: These two belong in a padded room, not in the halls of government (The SV’s Bård Vegard Solhje and Kristin Halvorsen seen discussing on how best to attack Jews who dare defend themselves against terrorism)
Socialistic Left dubious moral tradeoff for bombing Libya: Use armed force against Israel
NIJ: The SV annual convention goes to vote. The deranged junior partner in the current government coalition will among other proposals vote on a motion to use armed force against Israel should it attack Gaza.
The motion is the blood money required to pay off SV card carrying members who find it hard to accept that they have taken the nation to war, again. Last time it did so was back in 1999, when the party backed the NATO bombing of Serbia. As a result, we got ourselves involved in a war crimes probe because of high number of civilian casualties and bombing illegal targets.
Therefore, the only way it can be palatable to bomb Libya for these morally deranged people is if Israel can be bombed too.
Here is the less than lucid reasoning behind the motion:
- The credibility of the world community in its confrontation with the Gadafi regime is undermined when there is no reaction against other states in the region who commit injustices against civil population. The greater world community must therefore also react against Israeli air attacks on the Gaza strip.
So the rationel behind the recent action taken against the Libyan regime is gaining ground in the circles of the Norwegian Left (and most likely here in Europe as well) that something similar should be taken against the Israelis, in the event that the Jewish state reacts against terrorism. It’s an outrageous proposal to say the least, but we’re talking about Norwegian politicians here, many of whom still blame Israel for the failed peace plan that bears the name of their capital.
Prof. M. McGonagall, editor of the Israel, Norway and Jews blog, does us all a big favor in keeping a sharp eye on what passes for normal political discourse in Norway, it’s absolutely stunning for the rest of us though.
NOTE: Remember, Kristin Halvorsen is the same woman while as Finance Minister in tsure that you read NIJ’s:he Norwegian government, participated in an anti-Israel demonstration where shouts of “kill the Jews” we heard, and appeared smiling. She’s now Minister of Education. Also, make
The strange world of Trond Andresen – one of the NTNU initiators of the Boycott Israel campaign and
Dershowitz on Norway: ‘A quiet and implicit boycott…’
SV allows for military force against Israel
In a proposal to the congress by a unanimous editorial committee opened it for the world community to intervene militarily against Israel if the country goes to the attacks on Gaza.
The proposal focuses on Norway’s participation in the Libyan war, is also committed to act against Israel., Writes aftenbladet.no.
- The world’s credibility in the confrontation with the Gaddafi regime is weakened when the reaction to other states in the region who commit atrocities against civilians fail. The world community must also act against Israeli aircraft attack in the Gaza Strip, “the proposal for comment.
There was a proposal to send the statement back to the editorial committee, but this did not get a majority in the Assembly. On the other hand went into the congress to postpone the matter until Sunday.
- Available options
Secretary of State Roger Sandum believes the proposal does not add up to the shelling of Israeli positions.
- There are a number of other ways to act against Israel, “he says to Eve magazine.
Earlier in the day asked him how Eve magazine deputy Bård Vegard Solhjell looked at this question. He replied as follows:
- I think the important thing is to urge Israel not to bomb and attack the Palestinian territories. And demand an end to occupation and a different policy from the Israeli side.
- Stop arms sales
- But should the world community to intervene with Israel if they are ready to bomb Gaza?
- I believe that if many more countries like Norway and did not traded arms with Israel, it would be able to have a real impact on Israeli politics. They are extremely dependent on the sale and import of weapons.
- If it could be a wider support for it, it would give a real noticeable effect. Other types of things that would put the power behind the demands to the Israeli government, I mean the international community must consider and Norway to work for, “said Solhjell to Aftenbladet.
1 comment:
One of the major weapons in the propaganda war against Israel is the “Remember these Children” website which compares the numbers of Arab children who have been killed in the conflicts to the number of Jewish children murdered by terrorists. The Arab list totals 1,437 since 2000 and the Jewish list totals 130. Not withstanding that such reporting is unsubstantiated, After visiting the site, I noticed that according to this report, most of the Israeli children were murdered in drive by shootings and human bombs exploding themselves in restaurants, buses and markets. In other words, the Arab terrorists targeted those children and murdered them in cold blood. For all of the Arab children, on the other hand, the site identifies the causes of death as gun shot wounds or explosions during the firefights with Arab Hamas fighters. What were their children doing in the middle of a war zone? That is clear and convincing evidence that the Hamas thugs where using the local children as human shields. Soldiers are trained to return fire when fired upon. The bushwhacking urban guerrillas who fire at enemy troops from a neighborhood full of children are the ones causing the deaths of those children. More at http:moshesharon.worpress.com
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