Monday, May 09, 2011

The Unsold Just of The Right to Exist

Nurit Greenger

Congratulations the State of Israel for your 63rd birthday!

In principle, every Israeli and Jew knows what is the Arabs' goal, which is to destroy the State of Israel. However, for years, many Israelis and Jews, alike, acted as if the Satanic Arabs will change their goal – thus, even helped them fight for their cause and near their genocidal goal.

Why? Because we, the Jews, are not united, we lack clear thinking, sadly, the behavior of many of Israel's politicians and Jewish organizations borders foolishness and our diplomacy is simply off the mark. The Liberal-Left, working shoulder-to-shoulder with the Arabs, bluff and the average Israeli buys their bluff. More so, our Nations' young do not understand the exact meaning of the term Zionism, thinking it is something bad! … Etc., etc., etc. If we, as one, really believed in our just that the land of Israel, from the Jordan River's Bank to the Mediterranean Shores, is legally ours, returned to us after it was illegally occupied by the Arabs, perhaps the world would believe in out just. Instead, one Israeli government after another conducted schizophrenically ambiguous diplomacy – thus assisted in opening a wide door for the lies, now reigning world's opinion, to enter.

We, the Jewish People, forgot the truth and helped the Arabs and those siding with them to bury or conceal the truth! And that suited the world that hates us. Why? Because the world has lost its primary harassment and persecution victim the day the Jewish People declared their sovereign state with the right and ability to defend themselves! With the establishment of the State of Israel, the Jews took away from the world the easiest hate target people ever had, which came about as the result of its incurable illness known as anti-Semitism. And we, the Jews, were really bad drivers; we drove our car – which is our image - into one pole after another! And with it we deformed our silhouette, our image.

To solve the horrific problem of the State of Israel's "Hasbarah"-diplomatic explanation – its public diplomacy, the Jewish People must, first, stop lying to themselves and to others. The Government of Israeli must expose and recite only the truth and do it relentlessly, day after day.

Therefore, when the Arabs and the world along with them are shouting "liberate Palestine", which translated and means destroy Israel, we, the Government of Israel, Israelis, Jews and Israel's supporters, must tell the world: read their Charters! The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) which has morphed to be known as the Palestinian Authority (PA) do not recognize Israel or its right to exist and Hamas's charter calls to destroy Israel and kill all Jews – it calls for genocide. Therefore, until this all changes, in word and deed, we, the Government and the People of Israel have lost the illusions we held to thus far. Because with the illusions we have had until now, thousands of our people were murdered by Arabs, just because they are Jews. Jewish blood is not 'Hefker', meaning, of no value and consequence as the Arabs have thought since that bloody day in which Muhammad killed all the Jews in his vicinity. Sadly, Arab history and behavior prove that Muhammad left his hatred for Jews to his descendants. So to tell you the truth, world, as much as it is unpleasant to hear, we have has enough and we are tired of the Arabs' lies. When we believed them, thousands of Jews were killed and we still have not seen even one day of peace and quiet! Israeli citizens get up every morning in fear the Arabs will conduct one more terror attack against Jewish citizens, or with the damned thought of when, suddenly, the Arabs will decide to attack us, again, and from where will the war break and the rockets will fly. Let it be known, we are aware, with no further illusion, that the Arabs and the Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians" do not strive for peace, do not want to recognize the existence of the State of Israel and with it the existence of 5 million Jews and only want to annihilate us, lock, stock and barrel!

So again, we have simply had enough of the Arabs and their maddening lies, their inhumanity and lack of civility, and with people who do not believe in our existence and want to demise us there is no way we can achieve stable peace ... and do remember herein that Nazi Germany and fascist Japan did not want to make peace with the world, so the world had no choice in the matter but to subdue them, according to the Allies, not the Nazis and the Japanese, terms!

Therefore, until the Arabs and their supports will prove to us, in words and deeds, that we have nothing to fear any more, even for one day, the Israeli government has only one responsibility to comply with, which is to protect all its inhabitants and its lands so no other Holocaust can take place and happen.

The law is on Israel side and Israelis and Jews are on the side of the law.

If all of us, Israelis, Jews and Israel's supporters will say, as a choir, without changing one word, and even for a moment try sing another song, and we do all that it takes, and we behave along clear thinking, not along duel meaning and schizophrenic diplomacy, then everything will change in our favor.

If not us who will be there for us, and if not now then when?

With hearty congratulations for the State of Israel's 63rd birthday; the Nations of Israel, be strong and courageous! Rise like lions and reap success.

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