Monday, June 20, 2011

Why is Israel is Losing the Propaganda War? Read Mein Kampf

Bill Levinson

We are writing a book on organizational management, including the role of propaganda (any planned communication designed to influence opinion and behavior, including entirely truthful communications with honorable purposes) in organizational behavior. We were trying to find an English-language U.S. public domain version of Mein Kampf because the content proves beyond any doubt that the monster known as Adolf Hitler was the express creation of German propaganda failures during the First World War, along with the Triple Entente’s excellence in propaganda. We found instead the “Mein Kampf Prevention Initiative” which says everything that needs to be said in two sentences: ISRAEL

Annotated excerpt version (pedagogical)


Palestine: An Arabic translation of Mein Kampf is a best-seller, and the University of Hamburg reports Hitler is a hero to the youth.

This is why the Palestinians are doing to Israel what the Triple Entente did to Germany during the First World War. The Palestinians are working right out of Adolf Hitler’s playbook while Israelis treat it as non-kosher treif, something not to be touched let alone read. It is illegal to sell or, in some cases to even possess, Mein Kampf in many parts of Europe.

This to us makes as much sense as for example (during the Second World War) demolishing a Tiger tank beyond recognition because it has a swastika painted on its side, as opposed to taking it apart carefully to see how its armor belt is constructed, how the 88 millimeter gun and its armor-piercing shells work, and so on. Mein Kampf is similarly to be detested for its authorship but it is also to be examined to understand how it killed 40 million or more people (including, in the end, 7 million Germans) and how to prevent similar catastrophes in the future.

From an online version at Project Gutenberg (Australia, may not be in the public domain in the U.S., hence the relatively short excerpt),

It was, for example, a fundamental mistake to ridicule the worth of the enemy as the Austrian and German comic papers made a chief point of doing in their propaganda. …Once the German soldier realized what a tough enemy he had to fight he felt that he had been deceived by the manufacturers of the information which had been given him.

…On the other hand, British and American war propaganda was psychologically efficient. By picturing the Germans to their own people as Barbarians and Huns, they were preparing their soldiers for the horrors of war and safeguarding them against illusions.

Note how the Israeli comic strip Dry Bones trivializes and ridicules Islamic aggression. This, on the other hand, is but one example of how the enemy portrays Israel. We have seen equally vicious enemy propaganda that could have been modeled on Grant Hamilton’s “The Spanish Brute,” in which Jews crucify a woman labeled “Palestine” or bayonet Jesus in his mother’s arms.

To the above Hitler added,

But in England they came to understand something further: namely, that the possibility of success in the use of this spiritual weapon consists in the mass employment of it, and that when employed in this way it brings full returns for the large expenses incurred.

In England propaganda was regarded as a weapon of the first order, whereas with us it represented the last hope of a livelihood for our unemployed politicians and a snug job for shirkers of the modest hero type.

The Palestinians also obviously regard propaganda as a weapon of the first order, they are using it efficiently and effectively, and the Government of Israel is standing with its hands down at its sides while they do it. Mein Kampf should not be banned or restricted in Israel. Mein Kampf, and particularly the parts about propaganda, should be required reading in Israel’s schools and as a prerequisite for holding any government position and for being an officer in the Armed Forces.

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