Thursday, September 22, 2011

First thoughts about the events at the UN‏

Truth Provider

1) Israel and particularly PM Netanyahu, FM Lieberman and the Israeli government scored a huge success in the UN.

2) All those on the left who politicised the battle with the Palestinians by accusing Netanyahu for "doing nothing" ended up today with stinky egg on their red faces.

3) While PM Netanyahu managed to read the political map correctly, the "Palestinians" and their supporters in Israel and abroad failed abysmally to do the same and as always shot themselves in the foot. 4) President Obama's presidency is in trouble, not least because of his overtures to the Muslim world and the Arabs. The recent elections in Brooklyn, the dwindling Jewish contributions and Rick Perry's press conference in NY yesterday, forced the President to change direction. This the President proves that even he can, albeit reluctantly, become pragmatic.

5) Netanyahu proved amazing ability to withstand anormous pressures. He protected Israel's interests and learned not to repeat the mistake of freezing Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria. He refused to help Abu Mazen climb down from the tall tree he climbed, but better, he managed to convince the US Administration and many countries not to help Abu Mazen either.

6) As is now clear, Abu Mazen was forced to climb down all by himself and risk a huge disappointment in the "Palestinian" street.

7) Abu Mazen image as a leader is, in my opinion, tarnished beyond repair. It is possible that he will be forced to resign.

8) It is also likely that Hamas will grab control in Judea and Samaria, at which point all the futile push for "negotiations" will end up on history's garbage dump.

9) Yes, a large number of countries (about 130) support the creation of a "Palestinian" state. The question is how to get there. After today, the road to a "Palestinian" state is again blocked. Again, Abu Mazen failed miserably.

10) Had he agreed to sit down with Netanyahu face to face without pre-conditions, as Netanyahu offered him, and declare that he recognizes Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people, he would have won.

11) While the Arab "Spring" is in full swing, there is not a chance for any meaningful negotiations, as President Obama mentioned in his speech.

12) All this means that until after the US elections in 2012, there is no chance to see a resumption of negotiations.

13) Netanyahu's leadership and his government received a huge boost.

24) President Obama change of heart is a clear attempt to prove his leadership and strength. He understood that the road to appearing strong, as with the killing of Osama Bin Laden, requires distancing himself from his pro-Arab inclination and positions.

25) The greatest Netanyahu achievement is his success in convincing President Obama not to mention again the 1967 lines and freezing Jewish construction. Quite the contrary, he adopted Netanyahu's position that only face to face negotiations would bring peace closer.

These are my thoughts for the moment.

Your Truth Provider,


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