Friday, September 09, 2011

How to be the journalist asking questions at a presidential debate

Barry Rubin

1. Law and Crime

Right way: Asked to a Republican: Governor, how do you sleep at night knowing that your state has capital punishment and (fill in the number) people have been executed?
Wrong way: Asked to a Democrat: Governor, how do you sleep at night knowing that your state has released (fill in the number) people have been released from prison and then gone on to murder and rape more people?

2. Entitlements

Right way: Asked to a Republican: How can you possibly call Social Security a Ponzi scheme?

Wrong way: Asked to a Democrat: How can you possibly not call Social Security a Ponzi scheme?

3. Race

Right way: Asked to a Republican: Doesn't your support for budget cuts prove you are a racist?

Wrong way: Asked to a Democrat: Doesn't your support of current economic policies that have led to stupendous African-American unemployment prove you are a racist? 4. Moral behavior

Right way: Asked to a Republican: Have you stopped beating your wife?

Wrong way: Asked to a Democrat: Have you stopped volunteering three times a week at a soup kitchen for the homeless?

Note: Seeking fairness does not make one into a right-winger; Corrupting the media into practicing ridiculous partisanship does not make one into a liberal.

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