Friday, September 02, 2011

PSC Turns Proms Audience pro-Israel

Jonathan Hoffman
September 2, 2011

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign - which consorts with homophobes, misogynists, supremacists and antisemites - managed to turn an entire audience pro-Israel at the Royal Albert Hall last night. I was there. So was Ed Vaizey, Culture Minister, who tweeted "Demonstrators seem to have turned entire audience pro-Israel".

The PSC morons included all the usual suspects who picket Ahava in Monmouth Street every fortnight. Deborah Fink was there in disguise, presumably because she thought she is so infamous that security would spot her - she had her hair swept back and dyed grey. Bruce Levy - who has been banned by the police from Monmouth Street where Ahava is located, for his loutish behaviour - also attempted to disguise himself, by growing a beard. (Finkler Jew Levy famously said that Gilad Shalit should be dug up and then reburied). The PSC morons tried to stop me doing an interview with the BBC outside the Hall after the concert, by yelling and screaming. If you can't win an argument try censorship - that's the way these Stalinists operate. The applause at the end of the Bruch Violin Concerto - before the interval - was tumultuous and soloist Gil Shaham even played an encore. I was told that the applause at the end of the concert was every bit as enthusiastic.

Whata shame that the audience's enthusiasm for the IPO could not include the waving of Israeli flags - which had been banned by the Hall, along with all leaflets and other flags. (I waved a flag at the cultural morons of the PSC but was asked to leave).

Presumably this ban applies to all flags including Union Jacks at the Last Night - it cannot just be Israel which is being singled out for a flag ban ....

Well done to all who stood up for Israel outside the Hall, most especially our much loved Christian supporters

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