Monday, August 12, 2013

From the time Capsule:

As for those who carried out attacks after the Oslo Accord, Sarid says
"anyone who did something after the 13th of September is out of the deal.

They will not qualify for release." 27 June 1995

Aaron Lerner 27 June, 1995
With only a few days left before the July 1st deadline, one of the most
difficult issues facing Israel today is the PLO demand that all prisoners be released. Minister of Environment Yossi Sarid has taken an active role in the negotiations.
In an exclusive interview with IMRA today, Minister Sarid detailed his
position on the release of prisoners held by Israel.
Minister Sarid explained that "Israel has to release as many prisoners as possible subject to the criteria that they:
* Say that they oppose terror.
* Promise not to carry out terror acts in the future. * Associate themselves with the "peace process". * Their release would help the Palestinian Authority (PA)."
While these criteria could serve as a general guideline, "each individual prisoner should be judged according to his own circumstances".

Regarding the release of terrorists who murdered Israelis, Sarid explained that "there is a difference between what one feels in the stomach and in the head. In my stomach I feel that they should stay in prison forever. But in my head I know that we have decided to open a new page and have made the strategic decision to sit down and negotiate with those who gave the instructions to carry out the terror acts. If we are ready to sit down with the those who gave the orders, there is no reason to continue punishing those who carried the orders out."
IMRA asked Minister Sarid what kind of arrangement he envisioned for verifying that a given terrorist action was in fact ordered by Arafat and therefore qualified for amnesty. Sarid replied that "all of the activities were directed from above, even if a particular operation was not specifically ordered. This was a war against us and Arafat was the commander."
As for those who carried out attacks after the Oslo Accord, Sarid says
"anyone who did something after the 13th of September is out of the deal. They will not qualify for release."
IMRA asked Minister Sarid if he was concerned about the moral implications of releasing terrorists who may be guilty of "war crimes". Sarid explained that he was not concerned since "there are many world leaders who were guilty of war crimes."
Finally, IMRA asked if the precedent might encourage other terrorist groups to continue their activity since they can assume that at some time in the future their group may reach an agreement with Israel and they will be released. Sarid answered that "Hamas terrorists explode themselves – they don't care about amnesty."
It should be noted that, to date, every Hamas suicide bomber was recruited, trained, equipped and commanded by terrorists who themselves did NOT commit suicide.
Dr. Aaron Lerner
IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis) (mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-904719/Fax 972-9-911645
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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