endured a seven-hour TV marathon yesterday, beginning with Marine Le
Pen’s press conference at the EU Parliament press center in Brussels,
hopping from station to station, from newscast to debate, and ending
with a 2-hour documentary on the Front National.
Press Conference: a triumphant Marine Le Pen at the center and in the
lead, flanked by Geert Wilders (PVV Netherlands), Harald Wilimsky (FPÖ
Austria), Gerald Annemans (Vlaams Belang, Belgium), and Mateo Salvini
(Northern League, Italy). Certain that her victory in France’s European
elections has radically changed the face of Europe—“nothing will ever be
the same”—she is supremely confident that she’ll find the two missing
nationalities to complete her group and exert a strong influence in the
EU Parliament as in domestic politics. The prospect is appetizing: if
she can form a 7-nation group, she’ll get an operating budget of as much
as 4 million euros, plus countless privileges and facilities. It’s not
exactly equivalent to a seat on the UN Security Council, it will have
little or no effect on the sluggish workings of the EU Parliament, but
it will be hard cash and a sounding board to boost her French
presidential ambitions.
The press conference was—theoretically—broadcast
on the all-news BFM TV… except that they slipped coverage as soon as
Geert Wilders began to speak… in English. I zapped, finally caught up
with the event on France 24 / English in time to hear the last words of
Wilders’ contribution. Then Wilinsky started to speak in German. No
translation. And I haven’t been able to find a video of the entire press
conference online.
From what I can gather, Marine is the Leader, the guys played supporting roles. L’Express
cites a telling remark by Matteo Salvini: he says he is perfectly
comfortable with Marine Le Pen even though members of the [Italian]
Jewish community told him if he sat with her he would be outside the
limits of democracy.
As it happens, President François Hollande was also
in Brussels yesterday for a meeting of the EU Council (scheduled well
in advance, not a crisis meeting as Marine Le Pen gleefully claimed).
Hollande, known for his inveterate optimism, used his party’s disastrous
score as leverage to warn the EU that it must heed the message and
address the grievances of European citizens. This is a logical
conclusion to the Socialist party line during the brief, pale, and
unprofitable campaign. The problem with the EU, they argued, is not
essential it’s partisan. Dominated by conservative parties, it produces
austerity, inequality, injustice. When Europe-wide voters send a left
wing majority to the EU Parliament, the people will have the Europe they
want and need.
other words, the EU should apply the same disastrous outworn
neo-Marxist policies that have led to the ongoing collapse of the
Hollande government and corresponding rise of the Front National.
Reports that UKIP’s Farage is seriously considering an alliance with
Bepe Grillo of the 5-Star movement dilutes the impact of his rejection
of the Front National. Michael Ledeen (in PJ Media) describes Grillo as a
“foul-mouthed former professional comedian….[who] called for the total
rejection of the political class (above all, Renzi) and promised that,
once he won the European vote, he’d demand the government fall and then
he would win national political elections and purge the whole political
system.” Marine Le Pen nourishes the same ambition. Except that Grillo’s
chances are slim—Renzi has pulled Italy out of a nosedive—and Le Pen’s are distressingly real, with Hollande asleep at the wheel.
real issue in Europe is the clash between mass Muslim immigration and
the welfare state, the conflict between humanistic European values and
retrograde Islamic jihad. As I explained in a Dispatch International piece the
slightest attempt by the opposition UMP to address this problem was
slammed as a concession to the fascist right, namely the Front National.
And the FN returned the compliment, boasting that the people prefer the
original to the copy. The UMP was decapitated this week by the
resignation of party chief Jean-François Copé, who defended la droite décomplexée line
[the right that dares to be on the right]. Though Copé claims to be the
victim and not a participant of an alleged campaign finance scandal
exposed just before the municipal and European elections, he was forced
to resign. The party is emasculated.
above the scandal like a scavenger, Marine Le Pen self-righteously
claims she only spent €9 million on her 2012 presidential campaign
(Sarkozy is currently alleged to have exceeded the €22 million legal
limit by at least €10 million). Aside from the fact that Marine Le Pen
was eliminated in the first round and Sarkozy drew gigantic crowds in
the last days of the second round campaign, with correspondingly huge
organizational expenses, Marine Le Pen’s campaign may have been financed
indirectly by the FN satellite party — “Jeanne”—
a rather opaque organization that funnels money into the Front National
through a variety of operations and some unidentified sources. It is
currently under investigation.
Le Pen is now questioning the validity of the 2012 election (she came
in third), implying that Sarkozy should be retroactively deprived of his
place in the 2nd round like a sprinter caught doping. Anyway
she is confident that she will be elected president in 2017. And this
should not be taken lightly.
brings us back to her foreign policy advisor, Aymeric Chauprade, a
prolific writer and talented speaker who says “Al Qaeda is the Arab
Legion of the CIA.”
[Part 3 will be posted on May 30th]
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