Sunday, July 05, 2009

Iran Early Bird

Full Report

Election Aftermath Update
1. Demonstration planned for anniversary of Students Revolt – Iranian students have posted announcements about a demonstration outside Tehran University that has been scheduled for Thursday, the anniversary of the 1999 Students Revolt. The announcements outline the routes of the protest march. Tehran University has been shut down for two weeks ahead of the anniversary of the 1999 uprising. 28 people executed during weekend; Iran Human Rights is investigating whether pro-democracy activists among them - 20 people were hanged in the Rajaee shahr prison of Karaj (west of Tehran) early Saturday morning July 4.The report also said that "all those hanged were convicted of drug trafficking between 2004 and 2008, and were between 35 and 48 years of age". Six people were executed in Qom . Two men were hanged in Shiraz. Iran Human Rights is investigating whether among those executed, there were people arrested in connection with the recent pro-democracy demonstrations in Iran. Rajaee shahr prison is commonly not used for executions but under special situations.
3. Opposition website: Special unit has assassinated killer of Neda Soltan – An opposition website focusing on human rights claims that a number of IRGC officers have set up a secret group known as Azaraksh in the wake of the supreme leader’s call to put an end to the protest. One of the Azaraksh officers said that the group had already carried out a number of operations to this end, including the assassination of the killer of Neda Soltan. According to the officer, Soltan’s killer, named as Abolfazl Kyani, was a member of the Interior Ministry’s security forces and was not a Basij member.
4. Blogs carrying picture of injured student – Iranian blogs and unofficial website are carrying two pictures of a student injured in the demonstrations; one picture shows him being wounded, while the other shows him being admitted to hospital.
5. Pressure on journalist who exposed closed ballot boxes; ordered to erase report from his blog – Nasab Abdollahi, the Shiraz journalist who wrote in his personal blog about the four closed and uncounted ballot boxes in the city, has come under intense pressure from the Iranian authorities and has been ordered to erase the report from his blog. Meanwhile, the Shiraz governor has told the state-run news agency that the ballot boxes in question were from the previous elections and were not related to the recent vote for the 10th president.
6. Condition of two detained journalists remains unknown – Iranian authorities have yet to provide any information on the condition and status of journalists Bahman Ahmadi Molaei and Bani Yaqoubi, who were arrested some two weeks ago. The journalists’ families have not been informed where they are being held or what charges they are facing. According to rumors, journalists detained during the recent unrest are being held in Wing 209 of Evin Prison.
7. Etemad-e Melli editor denies reports regarding his confession in prison – Maryam Baqi, the wife of detained Etemad-e Melli editor-in-chief Mohammad Qouchani, says that her husband rejects the reports about him that have appeared on the Javan website. According to the website, which belongs to the IRGC, Qouchani has confessed to the charges against him.
8. Forced confessions on Iranian state-run TV - Iranian television continues to interview people who confess (Video) that they were inspired by the VOA and the BBC to take part in the demonstrations.
9. Ayatollah Sanei: Detainees’ confessions inadmissible from legal and religious point of view – Ayatollah Sanei has called on the security forces to safeguard the lives and property of the country’s citizens and to refrain from carrying out orders that undermine human rights. Sanei stressed that confessions obtained through torture and pressure are inadmissible from a legal and religious point of view.
10. Appeals Court upholds sentence handed down against student – The Iranian Appeals Court has ratified the 18-month jail sentence imposed on Kurdish-minority student activist Pourya Qavami, who was convicted of undermining national security and cooperating with a Kurdish political party.

The Political Scene
11. Jomhouri Eslami rejects rumors of Rafsanjani’s resignation as Friday prayer leader in Tehran –Hashemi Rafsanjani’s failure to lead last Friday’s prayers in Tehran gave rise to rumors on numerous websites that he has resigned his position as the capital’s Friday prayer leader. The Rafsanjani-affiliated Jomhouri Eslami daily is reporting, however, that the rumors are inaccurate.
12. Khatami calls for release of detainees – In a letter to the head of the Judiciary, former Iranian president Sayed Mohammad Khatami calls for the release of all political activists, students and reporters who have been arrested in the weeks since the election.
13. Keyhan continues to slam Mousavi – In an editorial under the headline, “Party or Fifth Column,” Kayhan editor-in-chief Shariatmadari accuses Mousavi of the murder of innocent people, inciting revolt, using mercenaries to harm civilians and property, cooperating with foreigners and serving as the United States’ “fifth column” from within Iran itself. According to Shariatmadari, “All these are heinous crimes and constitute blatant treason, with Mousavi and Khatami as the prime culprits who should be put on public trial. The establishment of a political party must be based on laws and the political integrity of the heads of the party… Therefore, Mousavi’s party cannot be legal, as its principal members, Mousavi and Khatami, have committed the aforementioned crimes. Therefore, it is highly likely that they will set up the party without legal authorization, and thus its true name will be ‘The Fifth Column of the United States.’”

14. Friday prayer's sermon in Tehran delivered by Ayatollah Ahmad JannatiHead of theGuardians Council. Key points:
a. Their (British) embassy was involved, and members of their staff were arrested. They will definitely be tried. They have already made confessions”. “They (Britain) had planned a velvet revolution and overthrow before the election. We discovered that even a website affiliated to the British Foreign Office had announced …that public unrest and riots may erupt on the streets during the June elections in Iran, it advising its nationals to be careful and not to appear in public places during that period. Well, if nothing (extraordinary) was due to happen and as always normal elections were to be held, what does this prediction mean? These (predictions) indicated their true intentions. Their embassy was involved, and some of their staff was arrested. They will definitely be tried. They have already made confessions, and they will probably make more."
b. “Enemy is the only side that benefits from riots”… Basij will remain and enemies will only become shameful - "The riots have now ended. The situation has calmed down. A number of people have been arrested and they are gradually making confessions..There were people who were in advance waiting to cause riots no matter who won the elections…With the pretext of the elections, they had decided to turn out in the streets and celebrate… In the middle of the street, you (rioters) set fire to a young individual's motorbike. The individual had to pay the installments for the motorbike to get to work. You set fire to buses and public property. In whose interest are you doing so? Who? Would it benefit anybody but the enemy? The enemy will only sit there and clap hands and say well done…I should tell you and the enemies out there (abroad) and the rioters here (in Iran) that you should know that even if you join hands, the prayers of our faithful youth... and the Basijis will remain, and you will only become shameful…They (the enemy) will definitely not sit idly by. They received a punch in the mouth because they thought it wouldn't be possible to crush the unrest. They thought that this situation would continue and they would achieve something and tranquility would not return to the country. But as the supreme leader (Ayatollah Khamene'i) said, they don't know the people they are dealing with. This is a big and serious problem (for them)."
c. “Elections were truly sound.” - "Utmost attention was paid to deal with complaints. In an unprecedented manner, with the consent of the supreme leader, the time for dealing with elections was extended. We did whatever we could. The elections were truly sound. There were no problems with the elections. Even during the recount of the 10 per cent of the votes, the difference in the recount (with the original counting) was very little. Even when you count a pack of banknotes twice, you sometimes make mistakes…The election ended and our people were happy. But it seems that the enemy didn't like to see you happy, and it could not stand people's joy. The enemy made an effort to poison the people so that its (bitterness would overshadow the sweetness (of this election)."
d. People should not to give up their unity We have a global mission. "We are Muslims. We are Shi'is of Ali ibn Abi-Talib (first Shi'i imam). For the sake of God, we should not disrupt our unity. Unity is a value. The great imam (Ayatollah Khomeyni) says that an individual who disrupts the unity of people has not only committed a sin, he has been disloyal to the Islamic Republic state…Dear brother and sister, no matter what political line you follow, the world is constantly watching this country. We have a global mission. Now should we fight against each other? We should abide by the law and make up for the past."

15. Mohsen Kadivar : 'The current Iranian form of theocracy has failed' In a SPIEGEL interview, Iranian theologian and philosopher Mohsen Kadivar discusses Tehran's path towards a military dictatorship, how the country's religious leaders abuse Islam and opportunities for reform.

Diplomatic Affairs
16. Head of Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee: We hope the new IAEA secretary general will have the courage to visit Israel's nuclear facilities – The head of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, Ala'eddin Borujerdi, said that “during the time Mohammed El-Baradei was the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Israel did not allow him to visit its nuclear installations, however we hope the new secretary general will have the courage to visit Israel's nuclear facilities." In a meeting with members of Japan's Council for Friendly Relations, Borujerdi welcomed the appointment of Yukiya Amano, Japan's IAEA representative, as the new director general of the UN body. Borujerdi expressed hope that the new IAEA director general "could play a more effective role in nuclear disarmament" while urging a fair stance towards Tehran's nuclear program, free from political agenda that has previously driven the case.
17. FM blames Israel for 'abducted' diplomats fate Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki has put the main blame for the fate of four abducted Iranian diplomats “by a pro-Israeli Lebanese group” in 1982on Israel. Mottaki said that "The Zionist regime is the main culprit for the kidnapping of four Iranian diplomats in Lebanon” and expressed Iran's resolve to follow up the fate of "its sons" seriously. Mohsen Musavi, Ahmad Motevasselian, Kazem Akhavan and Taqi Rastegar-Moqaddam were kidnapped by Phalangists while on their way back from a mission in north Lebanon to Beirut on 4 July 1982. Mottaki called for bringing the "illegitimate" Israeli regime that was established on the foundation of “fake philosophy” into a trial and said, "Tel Aviv has and continues to violate international regulations. Its history is full of threats, terror, killing and occupation." The Iranian minister pointed to the recent "games" played by Israel and its allies in the Middle East and said, "These games are only a ring of a failed scenario, which aims to promote passive mood among Muslims and regional countries."

18. EU pressure the backdrop for cancelation of Ahmadinejad’s trip to Libya – Iraqi TV is reporting that the cancelation of Ahmadinejad’s trip to Libya stemmed from EU pressure on the government in Tripoli. The report also notes that the EU intends to suspend the issuing of visas for Iranian diplomats.
19. Swedish Prime Minister: Protest in Iran was a “cry for freedom”; Sweden launches EU Presidency with summons of Iranian diplomats - The European Union on Friday summoned Iranian ambassadors across the 27-nation bloc in a joint protest against the detentions of staff at the British Embassy in Tehran.Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt referred to the protest in Iran saying "We hope that the Iranian leadership will be able to see what is happening in Iran as a cry for more freedom and more reforms -- and not something that will become grounds for a conflict between Iran and the world outside it."
20. Merkel associate Iran’s prisons with notorious East Germany’s Stasi prisons - German Chancellor Angela Merkel “I know from the time of the GDR [East Germany] how important it was that people around the world made sure that people stuck in (Stasi prisons) Bautzen and Hohenschoenhausen … were not forgotten…Iran must know, particularly in the age of modern communications, that we will do everything in our power to ensure that these people (arrested in Iran during the protests) are not forgotten about,”
21. Borujerdi: West has a long way to go before rebuilding trust with Iran – According to the head of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, Ala'eddin Borujerdi, "Western countries have now realized that their stance on the Iranian elections was undoubtedly out of line.” Borujerdi said British Foreign Secretary David Miliband's recent telephone conversation with his Iranian counterpart, Manuchehr Mottaki, showed that political heavyweights in Europe were retracting their inaccurate claims about Iran. "After three weeks of resentment, [European countries] have a long way to go before rebuilding trust with Iran," he said.
22. Iran government to 'review' trade ties with sponsors of terrorism. The government is obliged to review and limit the country's trade and economic relations with countries that, based on the government's discernment, are supporters of terrorism (ISNA, July 3).
23. Head of the radio and TV organization: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or even VOA, BBC Persian failed to confront Iran. The head of the radio and TV organization Ezzatollah Zarghami said during the days immediately after the election, the established and sworn enemies of this nation made extraordinary investments and efforts through their satellite and cyber networks; however they were unaware that even using the new media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, or even Voice of America or voice of England (BBC Persian), they were unable to confront the great and deep-rooted nation of Islamic Iran.
24. Jordan revokes Al-Alam, Press TV licenses - Jordanian authorities have revoked the press credentials of Iran's Arabic-language news network 'Al-Alam'. Jordanian Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communication Nabil Sharif said the news network had been ordered to stop reporting from Jordan because it was not “officially registered with the concerned authorities”. Al-Alam, however, dismissed the claims, saying that it had applied for a license six months ago and that it had been working in the country with the full knowledge of Jordanian authorities. In a similar move, Jordan revoked the press credentials of Iran's English-language news network Press TV, claiming that its license “had expired a month ago and they did not apply for renewal.”
25. Italian official calls for academic cooperation with Iran - During a meeting with visiting deputy of Iran's Minister of Higher Education Mohammad Hosseini on Thursday, head of research center of Italy's Ministry of Agriculture Giovanni Li Pi Parou pointed to Iran's high potential in scientific areas and called for holding joint academic gatherings with Iran.

Security Affairs
26. Ahamdinejad inaugurates laser research center – Iran president-elect Ahmadinejad has inaugurated the country’s related Science and Technology Laser Research Center. Iranian Atomic Energy Organization director Gholam-Reza Aqazadeh, Iranian Minister of Science, Research and Technology Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi and Vice President for Science and Technology Sadeq Vaez-Zadeh were present at the ceremony.
27. Clashes between Jondallah and IRGC – The Jondallah resistance organization has published a statement in which it tells of clashes and battles between its forces and the IRGC. The statement claims that hundreds of IRGC forces attacked one of the organization’s bases and that fierce fighting ensued for several hours. Jondallah says that at least 12 IRGC soldiers were killed in the clashes; unofficial reports speak of 26 IRGC fatalities.
28. Police major killed in southeastern Iran – Police Major Soltan Jahantiq was killed in a clash with armed criminals in the Remdan border area of Chabahar, in the Sistan-Baluchestan Province. (Iran Radio, July 3)
29. Pay rise for Basij members – A document published on the Internet outlines pay bonuses for the Basij members – bonuses for participating in Quds Day, Friday prayers, visiting the grave of Imam Khomeini during Basij Week and more. Click here for full document.

Economic Affairs
30. Mashhad hosting four international exhibitions, with companies from Germany, Spain, France, Russia, Japan, Sweden and Switzerland to take part – The Mashhad International Exhibition Center is serving as the venue for four international exhibitions on industry and mining from July 2 to 6. The 11th international exhibition on industry, the 3rd international exhibition on metals (steel, metallurgy, molding, foundry and die casting), the 3rd international exhibition on mining and related machineries, and the 5th international exhibition on decorative and facade stones are being held concurrently. Over 250 domestic and 10 foreign companies from Germany, Spain, France, Russia, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, China, South Korea, and Taiwan are taking part in the fair to showcase their latest products and achievements.
31. Iran telecom operators lost $15M due to SMS suspension. Majlis member : Mostafa Kavakebian says the 20-day suspension of text messages in Iran has cost telecom operators nearly $15 million in damages. Text messaging was suspended on the eve of the June 12 presidential election. The loss caused some concerns for operators but prompted one of the foreign partners -- South Africa's MTN Group -- to issue a statement, denying a report that it would lose a month of its revenues from Iran. The MTN Group has a 49 percent share in MTN Irancell. The joint venture, which came into effect in late 2006, is currently the number two operator in Iran.

32. Iran To Issue 1B Euro Participation Bonds For South Pars Gas Field - Iran cabinet ministers have approved issuing 1 billion Euro bonds for development of South Pars gas field. The measure, proposed by the Oil Ministry, will attract foreign investors and for the first time Iranian nationals' investment in the upstream oil and gas industries. The administration is permitted according to the budget law of this Persian year beginning since March 2009 to issue 1.5 billion Euros participation bond for financing developmental projects in international markets. The move will help the country to increase its share in the world's largest pure gas reservoir owned jointly by Iran and Qatar.
33. Iran continues to seek Total cooperation – While the president of French company Total has announced the suspension of talks with Tehran on the development of Stage 11 of the southern Pars gas field project, the director-general of the National Iranian Oil Company, Seyfollah Jashnsaz, has called on Total to cooperate with the Chinese company involved in the project.
34. Burst oil pipe causes serious ecological damage – A burst oil pipe in the Khoram Abad area has led to serious ecological damage in and around the Kashkan River, with reports coming in of thousands of dead fish and the contamination of the water.
35. UAE companies want to purchase Iranian gas – The director of Iran’s gas export company, Seyed Reza Kasaei Zade, has announced that three UAE companies have expressed interest in purchasing Iranian gas. The companies, he added, had offered to buy the gas at world market prices.
36. Fleet of tankers for transportation of LNG – The director of Iran’s natural gas production company has announced that the company needs 13 tankers for shipping its products. He said two companies – from China and South Korea – had expressed willingness to finance 80 percent of the ship-building project. The Chinese offer, he added, appeared more interesting and involved the construction of tankers with capacities of 56,000 cubic meters.
37. Ahmadinejad Calls For Merger of Commerce, Industry Ministries Ahmadinejad: "If we want to progress our economy, we have to be engaged in international markets. Of course, with your help we should prevent the import of some goods, which lack quality. Ministers of industries (Ali Akbar Mehrabian) and commerce (Mas'ud Mirkazemi), I liked your proposal. Of course, I should not announce it now, because it needs to go through legal processes in the Majles and the cabinet. (It is a good proposal) to merge the Commerce Ministry and Industries (and Mines) Ministry”.
38. Ban on contacts, trade with Baha’i citizens – Announcements posted recently in the Marvdasht area of Shiraz impose a ban on all contacts or commercial ties with Baha’i-minority citizens.
39. Nirenberg Prize winner placed in solitary confinement – Lawyer Abdolfatah Soltan, a Nirenberg Prize winner, has been placed in solitary confinement in Evin Prison. Soltani was arrested for his work on behalf of political prisoners.
40. Sunni source of emulation facing the death penalty – Human rights activists from the Sistan-Baluchestan Province are reporting on the likely imminent execution of Sunni source of emulation Abed Qohar Amzahi, who is among the 13 Jondallah organization members who are currently on trial.
41. Drug and alcohol tests on the roads – The commander of Iran’s Traffic Police, Sarhang Alireza Esmaeli, has announced that his forces will soon begin conducting drug and alcohol tests on the country’s drivers for the first time. According to the commander, some 10 percent of Iranian public transport drivers are drug users.
42. Iranian soccer team seeking coaches from Germany, Holland and Argentina – Iranian soccer club Persepolis, which is owned by the government, is conducting talks with coaches from Germany, Holland and Argentina. The club’s chairman also named former Real Madrid coach Benito Floro as a candidate for the position.

Upcoming Events
43. July 13: Meeting of the ambassadors and representatives of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) – The meeting will be held in Iran’s Qeshm Free Zone, with investment opportunities in Qeshm to be on the agenda.

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