Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Obama Mess and the Way Out

Colonel Bob Pappas, (USMC, ret.)

For nearly a hundred years the United States was one of the world’s preeminent powers. To the south, beginning with Mexico, tin horned dictators in Central and South America were just that. In the 1920s they felt the “guiding” hand of the United States whenever their empire building became overly ambitious.. But before then, the U.S. entered WWI, “the war to end all wars,” then later, albeit reluctantly, WWII to save Europe from Hitler and the Pacific Rim from Hirohito. Then there was that little matter of the Cold War during which the U.S. stood in the gap as freedom’s bastion, lasted nearly 50 years and at the end of which Presidents Reagan and Bush brought the totalitarian evil empire to its knees. In this more enlightened era of liberal socialism, enter, Mr. “America has been nothing but wrong” Obama. Where he wooed the lemmings, who were naïve enough to believe him, the real world does not abide his “godlike” floating above the din.

Just for openers: Ahmadinejad told Obama to apologize for interfering in Iran’s internal politics; China and Russia, disgusted with his monetary policy are leading the charge to “change” the world’s currency
from the dollar to some other more stable international medium of exchange; Muslim countries wonder if he envisions himself the reincarnation of Mohammed, or more likely a Christian, Trojan Horse in their midst; and Israel runs for cover; North Korea thumbs their nose at him, in fact sticks it in his eye; Japan and South Korea question the future of their security arrangement with the United States; Europe snickers; India wonders what is going on, and African nations are “present.” Oh, yes, Obama’s buddy, Chávez, is about to invade Honduras – just what the Americas need; and South America is cozying up with Obama’s communist buddies in China. They voted for change, and we got it, and that’s a fair summary of the state of Obama’s international leadership.

At home, things are not any better. In his effort to “totally change” the U.S. economy he has created havoc and is underscoring that with what is potentially the most disastrous single piece of legislation, (Cap and Trade), ever enacted in the history of the world, much less the country. This “piece of work” is worse than Jimmy Carter, and Carter was the worst – in leadership and just about all other terms than any President in history of the U.S. with the single exception that his work for Habitat for Humanity is notable. I wrote months ago that Obama was an empty suit, and even stated that he was possessed of an U.S. hating, socialist vision. His ignorance is obscene, yet the “smartest brains in the room,” the so-called mainstream media fawn at his feet because he can read a teleprompter. Someone asked if Obama were dethroned, “then what, Joe?” At this point, “Joe,” Biden, that is, would be refreshing.

In six months Obama has done more to destroy the United States than all wars in its 200 year history combined and he may just succeed, unless the lemmings at home and Congress wake up.

Offer bonuses to all illegal immigrants to return to their homelands. Given that there are about 12 million of them, pay each $30,000 which would cost $360 billion and which would be recouped in decreased health care costs
in less than five years. There would be additional $75 billion annual savings in educational cost savings, $35-100 billion a year in criminal justice system costs savings.

Second, terminate bailouts. That would decrease Federal government outlays by between two and three trillion dollars and the funds saved there could be used for retraining and economic support of those temporarily dislocated by the economic slowdown. The 10 million people currently out of work could be retrained at a cost of $30,000 per capita annually at an annual aggregate cost of $300 billion dollars. Out year money saved by repatriation of illegal immigrants would more than pay the bill; a twofer with money left over, but don’t tell a Democrat…or a “compassionate conservative.”

Finally, at least 10 million jobs would be available that are presently being filled by illegal immigrants. The inevitable all but irrelevant question arises, “Who would do the work they do since no U.S. citizen would do it?” The facts are that illegal immigrants are taking jobs from U.S. citizens in virtually every sector from construction, to artisans, to office workers, assembly line workers, restaurants and high tech. To argue that “illegals” perform only menial work is to exhibit an abysmal lack of knowledge of the facts.

If these simple steps were taken the job market would immediately improve for U.S. citizens, medical care would be more readily available and cost less because of the decreased drain on health care resources presently inundated by illegal immigrants, the economic downturn would immediately begin a turnaround, and with a bit more ingenuity the country could be on its way back to world leadership (but who cares?).

The final remaining item would be to find a President who is worthy of the title and the responsibility, and until he reveals his birth certificate (not the certification), presently under lock and key, Obama is not the one. (So much for transparency!) Will the lemmings ever get it? Contributing Editor Col. Bob Pappas (USMC, ret.) writes for (from which this article was reprinted with permission) from his home in Florida’s Panhandle.

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