Sunday, July 05, 2009

Un] Like in America [Un] Like in Israel

Nurit Greenger

4th of July 2009

For several years I have been complaining that the political system is morally bankrupt and is failing and ruining our world. Best case scenarios are the United States and Israel. One only has to listen closely to the words of those who control the policies in these two countries to understand what I mean. Politicians enact the policies, but it appears that the self elected liberal elitists are the ones to truly shape policy.
The main issue and the danger within both, the American and Israeli society is that very few understand who are the real movers and shakers. The cultural elitists, from the media, the arts, academia and various cultural institutions are among the strongest driving forces of policy. Their modus operandi is to filter down and eviscerate the national ethos.

It is sad, but not surprising, that an editor of a leading Israeli newspaper had called for the raping of his nation. It is sad but not surprising, in light of Obama’s ‘changes,’ that America’s major television network is subscribed to be the mouth peace for the president of the United States’ own agenda and the media will not criticize him or call on any of the many mistakes he has made since he was sworn into office five months ago.

It is disturbing that Aharon Barak, the former President of the Israeli Supreme Court is calling for a 'state for all its citizens,' that could be translated into the kiss of death for the Jewish Homeland; similar words were uttered by the former Arab MK Bishara who was finally expelled from Israel. It is disturbing that the Speaker of the House Madam Pelosi undermines the CIA and that president Obama decided to unveil the ‘torture’ methods the military has been using to extract information from captured combatant terrorists so they are able to keep the American people as safe as possible.

Barak, the former President of the Israel Supreme Court and one of Israel's leading leftist icons, arrogantly stated that his mission was to remake Israeli society; his "social engineering" task, in effect, was to strip Jewish nationalism out of its Jewish citizens. Sadly, we already see way too many Israelis totally devoid of their Jewish identity, lacking the knowledge of their Jewish heritage as well as Jewish and the Land of Israel history and are weak on their Patriotism.

So we now see young men and women beginning their IDF service with the mistaken lexicon of 'occupation,' and ‘settlements,’ not knowing that the land, which they are about to defend, has been part of their Jewish nation’s history for over 3,000 years and it is damn well worth to fight for it and defend it.

With his arrogance and the Chicago type political conduct, Obama is making umpteen efforts to strip the American people of their identity and make them the people of the world. Obama and Pelosi’s mission is to torment and agonize America for everything former President Bush—and the Republicans—have stood for and had done. So we are now seeing young American men and women lacking the values of nationalism and patriotism and the knowledge of American history and what it had stood for these past 233 years. They take for granted what was handed down to them and they have hardly a clue of how the nation had arrived at the 4th of July of 2009.

Israel is fighting the enemy within and her enemies that surround her in the short and long distance range. So does the United States. It also has enemies and it must fend itself even though the current White House inhabitant behaves as if all is good on all fronts.

Only with the right education and the emphasis on Jewish tradition and history Israel will be able to instill in its new generations national pride and Jewish ethos, thus survive. Only with the right education, with the emphasis on what the Founding Fathers stood for the United States will prevail strong and a leading force.

And here these two nations part.

Obama and his lackey enforcers should not underestimate the Jews self-respect and their will to refuse to go along with the ability to get along. The tide comes in and the tide goes out but Israel will never be abandoned. Her enemy is God’s enemy. Obama’s temporary phony Messianic days will soon pass and judgment will knock on his door. Obama must face the fact he has not yet recognized that in modern Israel's short history, whenever it stood its ground and pursued its enemies it won the admiration of the world.

Prior to 1967, with its enemies huffing and puffing to imminently wipe her off the map, as they still do today, the US maintained an arms embargo on Israel. After Israel’s 1967 spectacular military victory, she gained tremendous international respect together with an economic and military relationship with the US. Conversely, in the 90s, with the Oslo process co-founded by Shimon Peres and Yitzchak Rabin and their buddy in crime Bill Clinton, Israel gave up on its strategic, diplomatic, and moral fronts and the result was disdain from the world that is rampant today, together with no peace in sight.

The recent wars, the 2006 Second Lebanon War and Gaza Cast Lead, have proved that Israel’s enemies are still at a great distance from alluring any peace agreement; they are all luring war to extinct Israel. Yet, the US administration is heavily leaning on pressuring Israel to appease its genocidal enemies for the pure interest of the USA, not Israel’s.

Since 1967, due to the on going pressure from the Arabs countries in conjunction with myopic western leaders, the self elected elitists, the liberals and the media’s relentless sheer propaganda, Israel has weakened, thus has developed a Stockholm syndrome. It had made several suicidal attempts to appease everyone rather than please herself. Israel abandoned the victorious course it was on after the Six Day War that brought about immense international admiration for the tiny state and Jews in general. This type behavior has caused Israel a tremendous loss of dignity and self respect and weakened her stance among the free world nations.

Now that Mr. Obama’s is favoring tyrannical and despot regimes and the Arabs and Muslims over Israel, he has put a damper on the US most favorable 62 years relations with Israel.

I call the child by its name; Israel is now the "Little Red Riding Hood" lost in the scary thick woods of anti-Semitism, lies, deception and evil propaganda. Its 3,000 years, rich, but mighty blood stained, Jewish history is constantly airbrushed and reinvented. Israel has to constantly avoid clashing with the political wolves and tigers running loose in the woods of the world, all lacking moral compass, guidance and leadership.

My core belief is that many more, in Israel and outside of Israel, than so appears and one would suspect, deeply love their Jewish Nation and cherish the Land of Israel and, if they are called for duty, they will fight for her at whatever cost and will never allow their nation to be Obama and or Sarkozy’s pet. That moment in time is rushing toward Israel and Obama and his lapdogs lackeys or Sarkozy like leaders short lived pimping of Israel’s career will end.

The post WWII—Holocaust generations of Jews avowed: ‘Never Again.’

Israel and Jews are now impatiently waiting for David to strike and kill Goliath once again.

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