Friday, February 01, 2013

Say no to Hagel

Isi Leibler

Now that leading Jewish Democrats have endorsed the Hagel nomination for defense secretary, his confirmation is likely to be approved, despite the fact that a liberal newspaper such as The Washington Post challenged the appropriateness of the nomination. Even The New York Times at one stage conceded that “some Obama aides had doubts about the wisdom of the choice.”

Christians United for Israel this week brought over 400 of its members to Washington to lobby against the appointment. However major Jewish organizations such as the ADL and the American Jewish Committee have withdrawn from the controversy and the only Jewish group continuing to battle against the nomination is the Zionist Organization of America. Individual Jewish Democrats such as Alan Dershowitz and Ed Koch have also become silent.
Although a flow of prominent Democrats have been denying Hagel’s long record of both hostility toward Israel and opposition to any kind of confrontation with Iran, over the past few weeks we have heard even more damning previous Hagel statements casting doubt on his approach.
There has been a concentrated campaign by J Street and liberals like Peter Beinart and columnists Tom Friedman and Roger Cohen lauding Hagel as the ideal candidate and accusing critics challenging his political bona fides of indulging in McCarthyism.
The greatest concern is Hagel’s approach to Iran. His oft stated view, contrary to that expressed during the election by President Obama, is that he is opposed to resorting to military action and believed that a nuclear Iran could be contained. If this is the case, the world, and Israel in particular, must be concerned that a policy of appeasement toward Iran is in the pipeline.
His appointment would obviously be welcomed by the Iranians. The state owned Iranian press TV has already pointed out that “anti-Israeli ex-Senator Chuck Hagel … has consistently opposed any plan to launch military strikes against Iran."
The Iranian Foreign Ministry anticipated potential “practical changes” in U.S. foreign policy which would achieve an improvement in relations between Washington and Tehran.
Yet now Hagel emphatically tells the media and U.S. Senators that he is solidly behind the U.S.- Israel alliance and would in fact be committed toward increasing joint cooperation on missile defense.
Above all, he is adamant that despite whatever he may have said in the past, he is currently totally committed to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear power and “no options are off the table in our efforts to prevent this."
One thing is clear. Chuck Hagel recognizes that public opinion and Congress oblige him to perform a dramatic about-turn in relation to his former policies on Iran.
The Senate will have to determine whether he is sincere about his changed attitudes and whether he can be relied upon to stand by his current commitments.
The government of Israel recognizes that this is a domestic issue to be determined within the United States and has, correctly, assiduously avoided making statements or becoming engaged in the issue.
This column was originally published in Israel Hayom
Some of my recent articles:
Anglo-Jewish Leaders partner anti-Israeli Charity (January 29, 2013)
Daunting Challenges facing Netanyahu (January 24, 2013)
Liberal Jewish Israel Bashers: Ignorant or Malicious? (January 17, 2013)
Hagel Nomination Conveys Chilling Message (January 10, 2013)

1 comment:

mkwrk2 said...

Regularly appearing in The Jerusalem Post (comments not moderated are possible) and Internet sites (commenting is mostly being moderated), Mr Isi Liebler’s publications attract a modest reader with constellations of passionately expressed predictions sparkling from beneath meticulously collated data and thoughts reflecting author’s personal honestly-true conviction in.
This expertly-presented amalgamation much constitutes “No to Hagel” publication surely one dares to admit.

The least this barely mastering English reader might be accused in not understanding of a necessity the Jewish State to stay-on historical, cultural and geopolitical merits, the State of Israel, of which non-Jewish citizens feel themselves at home and enjoy not less opportunities than the Jews in mainstream Australia today.

Still remembering a beloved-by-the-most-of-the-Australian-Jewish-establishment then P.M. John Howard’s de facto to-a-general-public introducing of a not-so-much-known-outside-the-US congressman with his, political patriarch’s shocking-the-world prognosis (well-gone into the darkest corners of Internet not reachable by average search engines recently) of an Afro-American presidential hopeful-2008 to make it to the White House, felt a confidence in this guy-and American voters had shared his feeling twice till now.
That is why I do believe the POTUS and US Congress will expertly appoint the SoD without foreigners pressuring.

As understood from the Israeli and local media/environment surrounding, Mr Isi Leibler’s priceless attention to the aged care practices questionable is equally vital from a notion of Israel’s existence because kicked out from family units in a manner Justice Goldstone an expert probably is (reference to the In-Charge of the UN Gaza Report-2009) could hardly respond adequately to appeals of, for instance, feeding hungry Israeli kids, families and Holocaust victims helped at the time to make alia from the USSR in numbers.

Michael Kerjman