Sunday, November 18, 2007

Now the International community makes demands of us-politics gone astray!

Kouchner calls for immediate halt to settlement construction

Settlement construction in the West Bank is illegal, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Sunday.

Kouchner told the Palestinian Al-Ayyam newspaper that Israel's settlements were the biggest obstacle to peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Israel should stop construction in the West Bank immediately, he said, so that negotiations could progress, allowing for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state by next year.

According to Kouchner, there is "no justification" for expanding settlements - neither "natural growth" nor security considerations.

Kouchner made his remarks the same day The Jerusalem Post revealed that no new building permits have been approved for West Bank communities in the last five months.

The French envoy is scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in Jerusalem on Sunday, and later travel to Ramallah to hold talks with PA President Mahmoud Abbas and PA Prime Minister Salaam Fayad.

Comment: I am reminded again today to not get too excited one way or the other when it comes to life here in Israel. Just when I thought the French had changed their point of view, their FM speaks out today.You are remembering correctly that under Oslo we are allowed to build in Judea and Samaria. However,if the FM is choosing to use the original version of the "Road Map" Israel must freeze building in th so-called "settlements". Here is where I part company with the rhetoric of the FM-he says it is illegal for us to build-folks the Road Map is NOT a legally binding document-it is a document, with 14 ongoing reservations by Israel, that attempts to direct behavior of Israel and the "Palestinians". Hence the descriptor "road map"!

As a result of the French FM making this statement you will now read that we are and were illegally building (code for we really do not seek peace) and it will become an accepted "MYTH" used as a mantra henceforth. Foreign ministers must be judicious with their comments and not make outrageous claims-the damage is incredible. By the way, today we froze building! I guess the ploy of crying to the EU continues to produce results for our enemy.If it were not so darn serious a business watching the political dynamics and dealing going on in the absence of moral consciousness and in the absence of paying attention to historical data, this would be fun. Of course,lives are at stake over here. Israel needs friends and allies-we prefer those who will not pull the carpet out from under us. In some perverse way I feel like Charlie Brown, trusting yet again that Lucy will hold the football for him while he tries to kick it. We all know what she does-time after time!

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