Sunday, November 18, 2007

'PM to be blamed for final hours of war'

In the final report which the Winograd Committee is set to publish by the end of the year, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will be blamed for the final 60 hours of the Second War in Lebanon, during which 33 IDF soldiers their lives, the Sunday Times reported on Sunday. Quoting a source familiar with the details of the Winograd proceedings, the report claims that the prime minister was responsible for the decision to continue with the fighting, despite the fact that the United Nations had already started to work on a draft for a cease-fire.

"Olmert knew about the cease-fire agreement, but nevertheless instructed the army to conduct an impossible mission in order to end the failed war on a positive note," the source told the paper. The source went on to predict that the Winograd Committee's final conclusions will create a political storm once published.

Two weeks ago, the committee declared explicitly for the first time that its final report would not include recommendations, conclusions or facts that could cause injury to any specific individuals involved in the subject of its examination.

The panel was established to examine the preparedness of the government and the army for war against Hizbullah since Israel withdrew to the international border with Lebanon seven years ago, and their conduct in the Second Lebanon War, which began on July 12, 2006.

"Following in-depth investigations and discussions among the members of the Winograd Committee, its members reached the conclusion that given the broad subject we were asked to investigate, and given the facts that we learned, the most worthy way for the committee to act is not to include personal matters (including facts, conclusions or recommendations regarding individuals) in the final report," the panel said.

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