Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The theater of the absurd-curtain is rising!

Abbas to Peres: Israel can live in sea of peace

See my comments at the completion of this story

ANKRA - "If peace comes and the occupation comes to an end, Israel will live in a sea of peace," Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas promised the citizens of Israel in anticipation of the US-sponsored Mideast peace conference scheduled to take place in Annapolis, Maryland at the end of the month.

Abbas spoke at a joint press conference with his Israeli counterpart, Shimon Peres, in the Turkish capital of Ankara on Tuesday.

Peres also sounded optimistic regarding the prospects for peace, stating his belief that peace with the Palestinians and al interested countries was a definite possibility, but warned that peacemaking is a slow, cautious process.

The two leaders, along with Turkish President Abdullah Gul, signed an agreement providing for the establishment of joint industrial parks in the West Bank which will provide new jobs for 5,000 Palestinians.

Praising the deal, Peres said that only prosperity can bring peace. According to the Israeli President, all positive developments after World War II were brought about by economic, not political factors.

At his side, Abbas concurred, articulating his belief that politics and economics go hand in hand, and that the agreement could contribute to the success of Annapolis.

Peres is slated to make history later in the day as the first Israeli leader to address the parliament of a Muslim country.

On Monday he met with Gul, who expressed his hope that the Annapolis conference will constitute a turning point in the peace process.

Meanwhile, chief Palestinian chief negotiator Ahmed Qureia reported Tuesday "limited achievement'' in the talks with Israel ahead of the Annapolis peace conference, but said there were also `"obstacles and difficulties we have to work out before the coming conference.''

Qureia spoke in the West Bank town of Ramallah after meeting with EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, who is in the region trying to narrow gaps ahead of the conference.

They are pulling out all of the stops ahead of the Annapolis meeting. The idea is of course to generate such momentum that the people of Israel could not be the ones who voted this down. Let’s examine this report and see what has been left unsaid-the devil is always in the details.

First, “ending the occupation” means exactly what? Does this mean a return to the “1967 borders” or the “1948 borders”-precisely what is meant by this statement? The absence of such clarification speaks volumes and should set off every alarm bell we know exists. Abbas has stated over and over again that leaving most of the disputed territory of Judea and Samaria is not nearly enough-it means giving up much of Jerusalem.

Second, did Mr. Peres forget that we have already tried the “development of industrial parks”-surely he remembers what we had in place prior to the second intifada? He has also forgotten the relative ease of the “Palestinian” population to jobs in Israel proper prior to this same intifada? The “day workers” had unfettered access to jobs here. As I walked along our promenade here in Netanya, I would walk by scores of “Palestinian workers” either on the job or on their lunch breaks. I vividly recall many groups of males making unsavory “catcalls” as young Israeli women walked by and I commented how distasteful this was; yet, they were allowed to continue working among us. Although some Israelis were upset that the Palestinians had to have color-coded differential license plates than the rest of us, we drove alongside them day after day. They had freedom of movement inside Israel proper. They had jobs. The economy was “working” for all of us. Mind you, these same workers either could not find work or they were not permitted to work in the Arab countries next door!

Third, “Praising the deal, Peres said that only prosperity can bring peace. According to the Israeli President, all positive developments after World War II were brought about by economic, not political factors.”1 This is a disingenuous statement by our President! For the record and perhaps Mr. Peres might want to re-study his world history, the economic recovery only occurred after both the Germans and the Japanese were defeated! Until one’s enemy realizes nothing is left to gain by continuing to wage war or until the enemy is no longer capable of waging war, a change in the enemy’s behavior will not occur. This is an undeniable fact! The pity or should I say the absurdity of certain leaders, academics, appeasers and the like to create a mythology countering this human behavior principle brings the international community to dangerous new positions.

Fourth, Mr. Peres, Abdullah Gul, Mr. Olmert et al not only know, they have heretofore stated publicly that Abbas is totally unable to maintain any security in the disputed territory of Judea and Samaria. These same people also know that Abbas has not kept any, not one, agreement he has entered into with Israel. It is pure folly and nonsense for a country to suggest that peace is “at hand”. Mr. Peres’ comments today also border on incitement. He is setting up the “fall” for Israel to be blamed for any failure at Annapolis. It is high time that Israel refrain from such nonsense in their public relations war with the Arab nations.

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